LVIII - Still Beating

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Chapter Fifty-Eight

When everyone awoke the next morning, Seline requested that Friday call of them to the rooftop. It was a beautiful day for such a joyous announcement, the sun shining and the softest of breezes blowing gently at their hair.

They arrived one by one, and Jordan seemed to be the only person that had a feeling of what the announcement was. He watched them, a smirk lingering on his lips while he held his hands behind his back.

"My brother has asked that I take the throne of Asgard. I assured him that I could not, but he wishes to return to Midgard. He wishes to stay here with you, the people we all have come to love so much," he told them.

Loki's arm went around Seline's waist and pulled her into him. His hands, though cold, felt warm when they touched her.

"I told him that I could not rule Asgard on my own, and he set me on the path that I am now on today."

Seline smiled softly at him before turning to the others, who looked more confused than before, but pleasantly so.

"Last night, Loki asked me to marry him, and I said yes."

Wanda was the first to speak, whispering "oh my god" and then practically yelling it as she ran over to Seline and wrapped her into a hug. She knocked Loki to the side in the process, not that he even minded. He just laughed.

The rest of them all moved forwards and noted their congratulations before Seline further explained what would happen.

"We will leave soon, likely within the next day. It is late notice, I know, but..." Seline looked over to Loki, who had taken her hand in his. "Asgard needs a King."

He smiled ever so slightly. "And a Queen."

"We will wed when it is most convenient, and will be sure to let you know so you may attend if you so wish," Seline told them, feeling her eyes begin to sting with happiness and the thought of peace.

They continued their congratulations, and Jordan came up to them, that same smirk still lingering.

"You knew, didn't you?" Loki asked, the softest laugh leaving his lips.

"Of course I did. Vampire hearing can be a bitch sometimes," Jordan sighed, rolling his eyes. "Just can't shut the damn thing off. Plus I'm on the floor below you. Hearing Loki's fairly long speech was a given."

Loki couldn't help but smirk as well, and the others all laughed.

Seline looked upon her friends, the people that had made this past year one of the best ones of her life.

For a second, she wondered how they had gotten there. How they had come to that moment in the long march of time that she had been forced to travel.

But now, she was not forced. She was happy to make that trek, so long as she had her lover by her side and knew that her friends would be all right on their own.


Later that evening, she went to Jordan's floor. He was drinking scotch, not seeming interested in the whiskey that rested upon his desk that night. She saw memories of the night she had come home and seen him there, grieving Megan's death. Now he was happy.

At least, as happy as he could be upon realizing that his closest friend was leaving him yet again.

A smile formed on his face when he saw her come inside. "I know you're nervous, but don't worry about it. You'll make a great Queen."

"Will I?" she asked, shaking her head and laughing ever so softly. "I doubt it."

"You will. You set Loki on a straight path, no matter how rough a path it's been. The destination is still the same: the happiness of you both."

"Thank you, Jordan. I hope you know that you are welcome to come with us," she said. "I think you would like it in Asgard."

Jordan seemed to contemplate it a little, but Seline stood. It was time that she got some rest.

"You should think about it. You don't have to decide now... We could always tell Heimdall to let you through if you ever ask."

He nodded, sending her a soft and half-hearted smile as she left for the stairs that led to the floor above, which belonged to her.

She paused, and turned back to look at him.


"Hmm?" he muttered, turning his head to look back at her.

"Take care of them for me, will you?"

His smile widened. "Of course."

She went up to her own room, and the elevator doors opened to reveal a rather focused-looking Loki reading a book. She couldn't tell what it was, but knowing him, it was either poetry or something worth learning.

His eyes darted across the page eagerly, and it pleased her. There had been a time where she hadn't seen him reading, and then, after she had been in Asgard for a little while, he simply wouldn't stop. He had said that it was because his thoughts were filled with only her.

She remembered a time when he had looked at her like all he wanted was to undo her. He wanted to break her hardened shell, find the secrets she kept in the darkness, and unravel everything that she had believed to be true.

He had only ever wanted her secrets.

Once, it was different for her. She had had so little things that made her happy, that brought her even the slightest bit of joy.

Now, he was one of the many things that caused her heart to still beat.

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