LIX - I Adore You

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So I should probably warn you guys that the next chapter is the epilogue...


Chapter Fifty-Nine

Seline and Loki headed up to the roof together, only to see that the rest of the Avengers had already beaten them there.

"Well then, all of you are certainly eager to get rid of us, aren't you?" Seline asked, smirking at them while they all burst into laughter.

One by one, each of them hugged her and Loki, until there was only one person left for Seline to embrace. Jordan came forwards and hugged her so tightly that she almost felt her rib cage start to constrict, not that she really cared. She was just happy to see him once more.

She pulled away, and so did he. While she was tearing up, he was just smiling at her.

"You can come with us," she said. "You can live in Asgard with us, all you have to do is say yes."

He only smiled more. "I need to stay here, with Thor when he comes back. I want to help keep earth safe, if only for a while longer. I'll come to visit you again, I promise. One year from today."

She grinned. "You promise? One year from today. April 18th."

He nodded, and hugged her again.

The two of them moved away from the others, who backed up towards the stairs. They wanted to give them room for the portal that Heimdall would create.

Loki took Seline's hand in his, and looked up at the sky. He said, "It's time, Heimdall. We're ready."

Seline looked back at the others as light shot down from the sky, encasing the two and forming into a circle.

Loki's arm went around her waist and pulled her to him, right as she felt her feet slowly start to lift from the ground. The light shone wildly, blocking the others from Seline's view. Then she was all the way off of the ground, and she saw nothing but the dark sky and the rainbow of colours that glistened around them. They moved past the stars rapidly, the tiny white lights looking more like speeding lines than large spheres of white light. The light around them had a thousand different colours, and the sounds echoed in her ears.

Then they were there, standing in front of Heimdall as he quickly shut the portal.

She couldn't help but grin at Loki, who was also smiling. It appeared that he enjoyed that just as much as she did. He looked over at Heimdall, making Seline turn to face him.

"It's good to see you again, Heimdall," Loki said, though they had seen each other only a few days before.

"And you as well, Prince Loki," he nodded respectfully, then smiled at Seline. It was rather rare to see Heimdall actually smile at anyone, so Seline counted herself lucky. "Lady Volkov. I wondered when I would make your acquaintance again."

"I'm here to stay this time, Heimdall." Her smile brightened while she spoke. "And please, call me Seline."

He nodded. "Of course, Seline," he blinked once, then looked towards the door. "You have a visitor."

She looked to the door of the giant sphere they were in, and saw that Thor was there, standing in the doorway on top of the rainbow bridge. He smiled, holding his hands cupped in front of him.

"Well, since you're here, I assume you said yes?" he grinned.

Seline nodded, and then Thor rushed towards them and wrapped her up in a tight embrace.

"I look forward to the day that I can call you my sister," he said, and she hugged him back.

"Promise you'll come home for the wedding, brother?" Loki asked.

Thor pulled away, and Seline couldn't help but smile more as she looked between the two brothers. She remembered when she had first come to Asgard two years before. Loki had not hated Thor, but he had been afraid of him, almost. Now they were equals. Thor had asked Loki to take over his throne and Loki had only had one condition, he needed to have Seline by his side. Now that he did, the two brothers were content.

Thor laid his hand upon his brother's shoulder. "Of course. I swear."

Loki yanked him into a hug, and with that, Thor stood in front of Heimdall. He was sent away to Earth, while Loki and Seline were left in Asgard.


Candles lit their room, the flames flickering. The fireplace was alight as well, making their shadows dance along the wall. A storm raged outside, yet Loki did not seem the least bit bothered.

He had always disliked the storms. Seline had figured that out in the first month she had been in Asgard.

Now, he didn't seem the least bit bothered as he sipped at his wine from the bench that was placed in front of the fire. He looked like nothing but a silhouette while she was at the bed.

He set his glass down and stood. His shirt was unbuttoned. She had found that he actually began to prefer Midgardian clothing over Asgardian. She had expected him to immediately go back to his original clothing the moment he came back to Asgard, but it appeared that he quite liked this clothing.

"I remember when you hated storms," she said, taking a seat on the bed. Then he came over to stand in front of her.

"I still do. I just find myself unafraid of them now," he replied.

"And why is that?" she asked, the corners of her lips pulling up ever so slightly.

He chuckled, then leaned down and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead.

"Perhaps it has something to do with a certain servant that was assigned to me two years ago."

"And is that all she is now? Your servant?" Seline asked, her eyes closing while she smiled more.

He kissed her softly, not being able to help smiling against the kiss.

"Of course not. She is my future wife."

She grinned, then kissed him again. She took him by surprise and took the collar of his shirt in her hands, pulling him down onto the bed. Then she straddled him, and kissed him before pulling away.

"I love you, Loki," she said.

"And I love you too," he grinned.

"But there is more than that," she said, kissing him in between sentences. "I love you. I need you. I want you. I adore you. And I want you to remember that for the rest of your life, Loki."

He smiled again, a look of admiration in his eyes that she had seen a thousand times over.

"We have an eternity together, my love. I will love you always," he said.

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