XXXVI - Strong

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Told ya he wasn't dead JoJo :P


Chapter Thirty-Six

When he woke up, Jordan had expected to be greeted by the sound of Jacob rummaging in the kitchen or watching TV. But as he listened closer once he was less disoriented, he didn't hear him.

He sat up in the bed, stretching his aching bones and wincing a little at the dull that followed the cracking noises. When he rubbed at his eyes a little, he caught sight of a note on the bed.

He narrowed his eyes a little at it, but picked it up anyway. He saw that it had his name written on it, and he immediately recognized it was Jacob's.

He opened the letter, taking a moment to contemplate why Jacob, the founder of a tech company, decided to leave a written letter of all things. Why didn't he leave a ext or a voice message on his phone?

His eyes scanned over the words, confusion sweeping over him before it was followed by a strange guilt.


You're in pain. We both know that. You'll also know that I have felt the pain you're in. I know how it feels to lose someone you care about. I know that it can put you in a very, very dark place. But I also know that you can always overcome it. You can always get through it with the right person by you. For me, it was my sister, Leah. For you, I believe that person is Seline.

Seline has now killed 12 of the wolves who attacked the vampires, including the one that murdered your wife. Mason Blake.

I think that a part of her feels guilty for not being there for you. She has been in Asgard all this time, with the gods Loki and Thor. She wasn't able to come back. In her time there as well as her rampage here, she has murdered many. And you and I have both been told what happens when she loses control. I don't want to see it, honestly. I don't think you do either.

The truth is, Seline needs you just as much as you need her.

So, right now, you have a choice to make. You can either stay the way you are and do whatever your broken heart and mind tell you to, or you can meet us in New Orleans and help save your closest friend.

Whatever you decide, I will defend it.

But just know that Seline needs you, and I can't tell what will happen if she loses you too.

- Jacob

Jordan swallowed, and without another thought, he put on new clothes and sped from his apartment building. A new sense of determination lurked inside of him.

Perhaps he really would be okay. Just like Seline said.


Most of the team were resting, but of course, Loki was unable to do so. A thousand different scenarios of what could happen when he saw Seline again ran through his head. It seemed that Clint noticed this, because he called his name and told him to come to the front of the jet.

"I must admit," Loki started off, moving to the seat next to Clint and sitting down, his legs over the side so that he was facing Clint. "I'm surprised you have not objected to my presence."

Clint scoffed a little. "Trust me pal, you and I still have some unfinished business... It's finding Seline that I'm not objecting to."

"Why?" Loki asked, a brow raised.

"Well, I..." Clint swallowed a little. 

He looked over at Loki with an uncertain look, then back at the open air in front of him. 

"When the Chitauri came, one of them got me. It was pretty rough. I was just about dead, and I saw one pointing their laser at me. He was standing right above me and I was positive that I was gonna die. But then a girl showed up, and literally ripped the thing apart. The next thing I knew, I was drinking some kind of weird liquid that tasted like cherries from what I think was her wrist. I passed out and woke up a few minutes later to Nat helping me up."

"It was her," Loki said in a low voice to make sure the others didn't hear. If he had kept this a secret from them for such a long time, which Loki suspected he did, he would likely want it to stay that way.

"Up until a week ago I was convinced that I dreamt it, that one of them was just messing with my head. But then I saw her on the footage that Fury showed us and I knew it was her. She saved my life and I didn't even know it."

"So now you feel responsible for helping her?" he asked.

Clint nodded. "I was completely out of it. I was almost dead. She didn't have to fight the Chitauri. She didn't have to stop and help me. She didn't have to keep me alive. But she did, and to me, that's proof enough that she should be helped when she needs it. From what Jacob has told us, she's gonna need it now more than ever."

Loki stayed quiet for a while.

"One thing I've figured out about all this hero stuff is that if you spend too much time looking after other people, you forget to look after yourself. You lose yourself. For her, it's just more intense."

Loki nodded a little, looking back out at the clouds. He couldn't help but wonder what might happen. But despite not having known what she was, he knew the way Seline's mind worked.

She felt emotions so much more than others, but she used them well. She kept in control, and only acted out when someone she loved was harmed. In truth, that was the only time you really should let go of all control.

She had a kind heart, and she was strong.

Stronger than he could ever be.

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