XXV - Ying & Yang

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squigglesquirrel is in Memphis

I am sad

P.S. the song is a cover of "Piece By Piece" by Kelly Clarkson. The cover is done by Sam Tsui, Kirsten Collins, and Kurt Schneider. I don't really know why I find that it fits this chapter, b


Chapter Twenty-Five

The festivities had started two days ago, but Seline wasn't interested in joining them. She was much more eager to practice her swordsmanship in the indoor training grounds.

"You're quite good," she heard someone say from beside her as she parried once again and jabbed the tip of her sword into the dummy. She managed to tear a bit of the tough fabric out of surprise, not that it mattered.

She turned to see a woman that she had seen before, but had never spoken to. She was pretty sure that Thor or Fandral mentioned her, as well as something about her "travels". Perhaps the woman had been taking trips between the realms lately.

"Thank you. I am far better with hand-to-hand combat, though," Seline sighed, setting the sword down on the table behind her.

"Oh? Perhaps we could have a sparring match some day," the woman said, smiling softly.

They stayed in a comfortable silence for a moment, before Seline smiled back at her and stuck out her hand for the woman to shake. "My name is Seline."

"Ah, yes. I've heard of you," she smiled a little more and took Seline's hand in hers, shaking it. "I am Sif."

"And I've heard of you as well," Seline said. "All good things, don't worry. I hope to same can be said for me."

Sif nodded. "Indeed. The first person in years to get through to Loki Laufeyson."

"And the first woman to truly convince the people of Asgard that women can be surpass the skills of even the finest warriors," Seline grinned. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Sif."

"Likewise, Lady Seline."

They would have continued the conversation, but were unable to, seeing how a very eager and excited Ariana came running up to them.

"Seline! The festival is- Lady Sif!" Ariana squeaked, bowing quickly.

Sif chuckled. "Hello again, Ariana."

Ariana quickly spoke. "You must come to the festival, Seline! Please? It's beautiful! There's so many booths and snow and-"

Seline groaned. "Ari, you know that this holiday doesn't appeal to me."

"It should! It's everyone's favourite!"

"I prefer all hallow's eve," Sif muttered, and Seline quickly agreed.

"Please?" Ariana begged. "Just one night? And Sif can come with us too! And so can Ace and Newt!"

Seline sighed, her tough resolve being almost shattered by the puppy-dog eyes Ariana gave her. She turned to Sif, and shrugged. "Would you like to join us?"

Sif smiled a little. "Well, the alternative is going to the market with the warriors three instead. I really would prefer to say far away from Volstagg's habitual tavern visit. I would love to join you."

"Okay, we can meet at the gates!" Ariana said excitedly, before running off and likely getting ready to impress Fandral while wearing one of her favourite dresses.

Little did Seline know, her dear friend Loki was in an almost identical situation.

"Come now, Loki! Join us!" Fandral said, grinning.

"And why exactly should I?" Loki asked, flipping the page of yet another book.

He had tried to avoid the Warriors Three, knowing that they would attempt to take Thor's advice and cling to him like glue in order to make him feel "accepted". He despised people like that, people that didn't truly like him for who he was. And as far as he could tell, only two people stayed with him after knowing exactly who he was. One of them was dead, and the other was a servant that he had been surprised to find himself caring for.

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