X - Recovery

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February 30th, 2016

Double update because I feel like it and 'cause squigglesquirrel asked me to. :)

The song for this is "Recovery" by James Arthur, one of my all time favourites. ^_^

Nowwwwww time for me to go watch Lucifer. >:D


Chapter Ten

This night was the last one that Thor would be in Asgard. At least, for the foreseeable future.

Thor had only been visiting for a short time, less than a month. He wanted to spend as much time in Asgard as he could before returning to assist the Avengers and SHIELD. He was going to leave Asgard and quite possibly never come back, which did upset the majority of the people in the castle. It even upset Loki, Seline could tell. He would never admit it, though.

Odin would have to make the choice of who would be king if Thor refused to. Loki wanted to be king, of course, but he knew that the people would not stand for it. He didn't expect to be king, and he knew he never would be. Odin would need to figure it out later.

However, something inside Seline knew that Thor would come back some day. He would never stay far for too long. If his realm needed him, he would return.

The servants were all told to take the day to prepare for the ball that would be held in the evening. They would be ignoring their duties towards their masters and preparing for this feast, which the masters all seemed to be okay with. Seline was in the royal garden and on a ladder, which was leaned up against a peach tree. She was pulling the fruit from the tree and setting it down into a basket that another servant named Ariana was holding.

Seline had just met Ariana, but felt an immediate connection. She was a strong and opinionated woman, just like her. That, and they were both from Midgard. Ariana had come here willingly, however. She didn't say how or why, and Seline didn't want to pry or make her feel uncomfortable, so she didn't question Ariana any further.

"Who were your favourite singers?" Seline asked after they had decided to ask questions about each other. They were learning about what the other liked and disliked, and it was a strangely casual conversation between the two of them.

"I liked a lot of artists. I'm not sure I could really pick one..." Ariana said, then smiled softly. "It's the thing I miss most, I think."

Ariana began to hum softly, and Seline looked at her when she realized she knew the tune. IT was a familiar song. Seline began to hum the tune of it, and was a little startled when Ariana began to sing the lyrics. The two of them hummed the tune of the song while gently singing the words. It was the calmest she had felt in days.

The song kind of reminded Seline of herself. She had pushed so many people away over the years, and there had only been a few times where she had been completely broken by losing someone. She had built walls, only to have them broken down after she met someone she cared for. Then, her sanity and heart were nearly torn apart due to losing them again.

Perhaps that was why she traveled so much when she was in Midgard. She couldn't be hurt if she didn't stay in one place long enough to meet anyone new.

But, more than anything, it reminded her of Loki. He hid behind a dark and cold facade, but inside, he was broken.

However, the very definition of broken suggest that something can be fixed.

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