Chapter Two

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A ray of light peaks through my window the next morning or in my case a few hours later. A yawn escapes my lips. I stretch my sore limbs as I hear my bones crack. Last night hits me like a wave as I remember what happened. I had a nightmare. Again. I hang my head in shame.

When will it stop?

I rip off my covers and drag myself into my bathroom that's connected to my room. I hear movement downstairs. My dads must be up.

I have 5 dads but other werewolves know them as the elders. They found me 16 years ago on their doorstep. They raised me as their own daughter. They tell me that I'm special and very important but I don't feel special. I never felt like I belonged. My parents didn't even want me! They just put me on a strangers doorstep first chance they got. Ya, I feel loved. Please note the sarcasm.

I love my dads to bits. They taught me everything I know. As I grew up I learned that I have powers. At first I was scared. I thought I was a freak but my dads taught me how to control them and now I've mastered them. I will probably get more powers as I get older...

I am a rare silver wolf. There hasn't been one in over a thousand years or so I'm told. That should make me feel special,right?

Well it doesn't.

I can't tell anyone. I shift in secret. No one can know because they might try to kill me because I'm so powerful. I only mastered my powers a few years ago. If only I could have had them when I was with Cam-

No Sky. Don't think like that. I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts.

I stand staring into the mirror. I look like death. My hair is in messy knots. Ew. My face is blotchy and I can see the dry tear stains from last night. A sigh slips through my lips. I slowly take off my pyjamas,I still haven't woken up yet. I turn on the shower and step in. The hot water loosens my muscles and the tension I carry on my shoulders. I stand there staring blankly at the tile wall for I don't know how long. Before the water turns cold,I take some strawberry shampoo and rub into my hair. The smell is intoxicating. I inhale deeply. I start to shiver so I know it's time to get out. I wrap myself in a white fluffy towel as the cold air nips my skin.

I walk out and into my room. I scan through my clothes and pick out the first piece of clothing I see. A pair of black leggings,purple tanktop and my purple converse. After I'm dressed and I have tamed my hair,I stand in front of the mirror. I have blond wavy hair with green eyes. I don't wear too much makeup just a bit of concealer,light foundation and some mascara to make mt eyes pop. Once I'm satisfied I walk down the stairs and into the spacious kitchen where I can hear my dads chatting. Once I'm in the door,I am engulfed in a hug from each of them. First Jaxon, then Andrew, David, Nathaniel and lastly Xavier.

I look at my dads carefully.They are all tall to my 5'2. Andrew has black hair with green eyes. He is the 'leader' so to speak. He takes charge in meetings and I go to him when I need advice. Jaxon has brown curly hair with brown eyes. He calls me 'babygirl' and he is really caring. He is the one that consoles me when I'm upset. David has dirty blond hair and blue eyes. He is the wise one. You will always find him with a book. He is always calm and collected. I have actually never seen him get angry. Nathaniel has brown hair and hazel eyes. He is buff with muscles bulging out of his shirt but not enough to make him look like he's on steroids. He is a very strong fighter and he will do anything to protect his family but he is a big softie. Xavier has blond hair and green eyes and he's the jokester. He never stops smiling and he is funny. If I'm in a bad mood,I know exactly where to go to feel better.

''Morning dads!'' I say cheerily which is surprising for me so early in the morning.

I get a round of 'morning','morning sweetie' and 'morning babygirl'. I sit down next to Jax as Andrew places a stack of pancakes in front of me. The smell of the pancake goodness makes my mouth water.

''Don't just stare at it, eat it up. If you don't, I will!'' teases Xavier. I snap out of my reverie and dig into my breakfast. From the corner of my eye I see my dads give each other looks. I furrow my brow.

''What's wrong?'' I ask. My voice laced with worry. Their heads snap to me. Jax sighs.

''Nothing babygirl.'' He smiles but I can see it's forced.

''What are you doing today?'' David asks finally looking up from the newspaper he was reading.

''I'm going to the mall with Ellie.'' I say smiling even though I did not miss the quick change in subject. I clear off my plate and place it in the sink. I grab my jacket,purse and keys as I make my way to the door.

''Bye dads!'' I shout even though they could of heard me if I whispered it, with their werewolf hearing and all. Just as I reach the door, Nathaniels voice stops me.

''Be back home by 7 we need to talk to you.'' he says

''Alright!'' I shout back before I walk to my car. My jaguar. My baby. I start the 20min drive to the mall.

The only thing on my mind?

What were those looks they were giving eachother? What do they need to tell me?

I have a bad feeling about this.


Thanks for reading!I'll try to update soon but in the meantime..


Comment I want to know what you think

Sinead xx

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