Chapter Twenty Eight

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Skylar's POV:

With Marroc's arm looped with mine, we fly through the portal, spiralling uncontrollably. I close my eyes tightly trying to ignore the nausea overtaking me. Light suddenly appears as we burst out back onto earth. I sigh in relief as my feet finally touch the ground. I have never missed the brown earth so much in my life. I was seriously getting sick of the colour white.

Marroc places a hand on my shoulder to steady me and I smile in appreciation. The portal disappears behind us as Marroc waves his hand in the air. He turns back around and smiles warmly at me.

"You ready?"

I nod my head vigorously as I am overwhelmed with excitement. I couldn't wait to see everyone. The pack. My mate. My dads. I stop short and my smile drops from my face. I forgot what the Moon Goddess had told me. My dads are missing. My heart saddens at the thought of not seeing the men who raised me and who helped me to become the person I am today. Marroc notices my change in mood and smiles sadly at me.

"They will be found, don't worry."

 I nod blinking back the tears and the lump in my throat. Shaking my head I turn to him with determination.

"Which way?"

We had landed in the forest and for some reason Star was silent and it was unnerving. Without her I had no sense of direction, hence why I had to lean on Marroc to lead the way.

"Just straight through there." He says pointing straight into the trees in front of us.

"Okay, let's go." 

We walk towards the direction of the pack house in quick haste. I really wanted to get home and I finally be in the arms of my mate.


I couldn't wait to see him smile, hear him laugh, hold him, kiss him. I could hardly keep the smile off my face thinking of his reaction when I tell him that I'm pregnant. Would he be happy?- I gasp in pain suddenly as my heart feels like it's being ripped out. I clutch my chest as I take in air greedily. What's happening? What is this feeling?

* "Star?"

No response.

I feel Marroc's hands wrap around me as he pulls me off the forest floor and back onto my feet. The pain had died down to a dull ache that no matter how much I rubbed my chest, it just wouldn't go away.

"Are you okay?" Marroc asks concerned . I nod as my hand continues to rub the spot where the pain enimated from.

"Yeah I think so." I don't miss the look that flicks through his eyes and then is gone. Recognition? Understanding?

With the help of Marroc, we continue on our path. Much to my annoyance, the pain in my chest seemed to get worse as we got closer to our destination. I continue to try and contact Star but she wouldn't answer. She wasn't gone, I could still feel her but it was like she was weak or something. I couldn't explain it. She was there deep down below the surface but I couldn't reach her.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when we suddenly break into a clearing. The large green trees that surround the pack cemetery shake from the light breeze allowing white blossoms to fall slowly onto the freshly cut grass.  My eyes fall onto the white fence running around the graveyard. It looked like it had just been freshly painted. The place was covered in bright coloured flowers. Marroc mumbles something from behind me but my ears pick it up.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

I frown in confusion but shrug it off. Ignoring the sharp pain in my chest, I begin to carefully walk through the cemetery. I notice the freshly placed soil on some of the graves and recognise them as the members of the pack who died in the war. Slowly walking to each headstone I carefully read the name of each pack member. Tears well up at the thought of all those lost souls. 

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