Chapter Twelve

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It soon grew dark so we rolled up the blanket and put it back behind the tree. As we made our way back down the path I stop Cameron.

"What is it?" he asks.

"Your pack don't know about my powers or my wolf. My dads want me to keep it a secret for as long as possible. I'll tell them eventually just not yet."

Cam steps closer to me. "They're your pack too. You can tell them about your powers and wolf when you're ready and comfortable. I will be with you every step of the way."

I look at him. He is an amazing mate.

"Thank you." I say sincerely. I give him a hug and a quick peck on the lips causing him to pout. I laugh at his face taking his hand dragging him back to the party awaiting us.

When we arrive back, Hannah hands me a plate of food. I thank her and walk to a table with Cam behind me. He sits in a chair but just as I'm about to sit down, he pulls me onto his lap. I yelp in surprise causing the table to laugh.

I look around to find the table full of teenagers. One of the guys introduces himself as Camerons best friend and soon-to-be Beta Blake. I converse with some people until a bubbly girl interrupts me.

"OMG!" she exclaims "I can't believe you saved the Luna. You are amazing. You hadn't even been accepted into the pack and yet you took the blow from the rogue. You are so brave-" she gushes but a ferocious growl rips through the air.

"What?!" Cam bellows.

His arms tighten around me. I bite my lip from whimpering in pain. I forgot Cam didn't know about the incident. His nails dig into my sides. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"Dude, stop!" Blake exclaims.

"You're hurting your mate!"

Cam quickly lets go. I sigh in relief. He turns me around to face him, whimpering. His face full of pain. I hug him.

"I'm so sorry." he whispers in my ear.

"It's fine" I lie. The cuts were starting to throb and were sore to touch. He looked at my face to see if I was lying. Thank the moon goddess he didn't find what he was looking for.

"Why didn't you tell me that happened?" Cam said referring to me being attacked by a rogue.

"I forgot to tell you with all the hullabaloo of finding my long lost mate. It didn't cross my mind." I look him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I would have been fine anyway. Hello? Healing powers!" I whisper shout but low enough so only he could hear.

"I don't care. You wouldn't have used them anyway in front of everyone because you wanted to keep the whole power thing a secret." I mentally scowl. He got me there.

"I don't want you getting hurt and I'm really pissed at myself for not being there to protect you and for what I did moments ago. I'm supposed to protect you not hurt you." he says softly.

"I know. It's not your fault that you weren't there to protect me. But think about it? If I hadn't jumped in front of your mom she would have been injured. I wasn't injured too badly because I was able to heal quicker being powerful and all."

"But you were hurt enough to get stitches." he retorts

This conversation wasn't going anywhere so I ended it.

"I'm fine look see. Now stop worrying."I held his face in my hands.

"Okay." he sighs kissing me on the lips. Blake interrupts us. Cam growls.

"Sorry dude but the stories are about to start." he tells us hands up in a surrender gesture. I just noticed everyone left the table to give us privacy.

"Stories?" I ask.

"Ya." Blake says "Legends, pack stories and of course the Silvermoon prophecy."

Before I could say anything Blake walks away and Cam tugs me towards the bonfire. He sits on a log with me on his lap. Blake beside us. Alpha Ian and Hannah were across on the other side of the fire.

"Welcome everyone. I hope you have enjoyed yourself tonight." Alpha Ian starts. Everyone claps in response with a few hoots and hollers from the younger generation. I laugh.

"As you all know by now, your Luna was saved by a new pack member when she hadn't even been formerly accepted into the pack. She risked her life to save my mate and your Luna when a rogue attacked her." I squeeze Camerons hand when I notice him stiffen underneath me.

"Thanks to Sky, my mate, Hannah is here with us today." Hannah looks over at me with tears in her eyes. I smile at her and she smiles back. Alpha Ian turns to me.

"Sky, I owe you so much for what you did and I'm so happy to have found out that your my sons mate. You will be an amazing future Luna." he finishes. I smile as tears slide down my cheeks. Cam kisses them away and then kisses me on the lips.

The night continued with pack stories, past wars. It was nice to hear them reminisce about memories.

"Now to end the night we will tell the most well known story told by our people. The Silvermoon Prophecy." Alpha Ian said looking at me. I feel Star perk up at the name. We are both interested to see what he has to say.

Alpha Ian sits down on the log getting comfortable his arm around his mate.

He begins "The Silvermoon Prophecy is passed down from generation to generation. It is said that a young woman of great importance, a rare silver wolf no less will join our pack."

At this, whispers break out through the crowd huddled around the bonfire savouring its warmth. My eyes widen.

"There hasn't been a silver wolf for over a thousand years. She will come to this pack and she will help us fight in a war so great, many lives will be lost." he says solemnly.

"Once she comes the war won't be too far behind." The Alpha continues. More whispers making me nervous. Cam notices and tightens his hold on me.

"Packs close to us will join us together to fight. The prophecy says that she is so powerful she is stronger than an Alpha. She is so caring she would risk her life for a stranger." he looks at me as he continues.

"She has many powers beyond our wildest imagination." he stops "They say she will save us all."

I gulp. Shit, no pressure then.

"What are her powers?" Blake asks from beside me.

Alpha Ian smiles. No,no,no,no,no,no.

"Well...why don't you ask her for yourself?" he says looking at me.

Everyone looks at me with shocked expressions.

Oh shit. Help me.


There is chap 12:D




Sinead xx

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