Chapter Twenty One

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Ding Dong!! The door bell rings causing my nerves to come back ten fold. Ellie rubs my back."Okay he's here!" she squeals and pushes me out the door.

I hear my dads answer the door. I closely listen and only hear civil conversation. I sigh in relief.

* "Come on! I want to see our mate." Star urges.

I nod and start walking slowly down the corridor making sure not to fall on my heels because that would be tragic. I hum a tune softly to distract myself but all my thoughts keep returning to my sexy mate waiting for me.

I smile softly when I see Cameron in a suit that makes my mouth drop. Star purrs at the sight and I have to agree. He looks yummy. I take a deep breath and place my hand on the railing. My heels click on the staircase as I descend which gains the attention of the crowd below.

Once I reach the bottom I look up into the eyes of my mate to see his eyes full of lust and his mouth agape. My giggles snap him out of his trance. He steps forward putting his hands on my hips. I relish in his touch.

He leans down and kisses me lovingly and then whispers in my ear "You look amazing as always." I smile and blush and take his extended hand.

I say a quick goodbye before walking to the car with Cameron. Once we are driving I start firing questions.

"So where are we going?How long of a drive is it?What did you mean when you said earlier that everyone is leaving the packhouse?" I rush in one breath.

To say I am nervous is an under statement. He chuckles.

"Okay, it's a surprise but you will find out soon. It will take about half an hour give or take. And to your last question...that has changed. We will be staying in a hotel tonight and the venue is the second surprise." He says slightly nervous.

"I hope you don't mind." He glances sideways at me. I smile.

"I love it." I tell him honestly. Then a thought occurs.

"Wait.What about-?" Cam cuts me off.

"Ellie packed you a bag. It's in the back." he smirks.

We talk for the for drive and there never is any silence. 30 mins later and we are driving into a town I had never been in before. The lights of the shops were so inviting. I gawked at everything we passed and I could hear Cameron chuckling, probably at my facial expressions.

The car turns and I look up to see us parking in front of a beautiful restaurant. I gasp at the sight. It looks so expensive. Star yips at the thought of our mate spoiling us.

There are two men standing at the door opening it as people walked in.There was another man standing at a podium ticking off names. I followed the long line of people and notice the queue disappear around the corner.

WOW.You obviously need a reservations for this snazzy place and everyone I saw was dressed like me. It felt nice knowing I was going to be eating like a princess tonight.

Cameron opens my door like the gentleman he is. I step out as he takes my hand. "Wow this is amazing!" I whisper.

"Imagine what the inside looks like." he says pulling me to the door. I nod speechless.

Once I realise we are about to walk to the top of the line, skipping everyone I try to pull him back. But him being a werewolf means he doesn't move an inch.

"What are you doing?!" I whisper yell as he continues to pull me to the top of the line. I try to protest again but a voice drowns me out.

"Welcome Alpha." The man at the podium bows respectfully at Cameron and then at me. The men at the doors open them simultaneously as we approach and they too bow.

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