Chapter 2

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I waited up in a tree that hid me well enough for them not to be able to spot me, but I could see them perfectly. The bark of the tree camouflaged my black outfit perfectly.

As they got closer I could hear them talking.

“Can’t we have a little fun with her before we take her to base? All the fighting she put up gave me a hard on.” Said thug 1

“No. Do you want to answer to the boss if we’re late and don’t make it before lock down?” Thug number 2 sighed, “Look if we had more time we could, heck even I want to jump her, but you know what happened to Jessie when he was late and I’m not about to let that happen to me.”

 “Fine, but we so going to Shoot her when we’re at the compound.” Said thug number 1

“I call first dibs.” Shouted thug number 2.

"No fair, I have to carry her."

"What can I say? Lifes not fair my friend." Thug 2 began chuckling at his not-so-funny joke.

These guys make me sick. Talking about raping a young girl like they talking about the weather. These ass-holes deserve to die.

Masking my scent I waited in the tree’s until thug number 1 passed with the girl and I jumped onto thug number 2 once he was directly below me.

Pulling out my sword I quickly decapitated thug number 2, thug number 1 turned around and snarled. He dropped the girl and went for me.

He shifted in the air and circled me. Jumped for my sword in my right hand, I quickly side stepped and pulled out my other sword with my left hand and plunged it into his chest, straight through his heart.

Before I could run over to the unconscious girl, Rubin stepped out of his hiding spot with six other wolves.

“Nicely done Snow”

He was doing a slow clap, I snarled realizing that this was a trap for me and I fell for it hook, line and sinker. Crap, why didn’t I take the time to sniff and double check the area out, before I jumped into this.

Snow was the name I gave to that assholes that tried to take me so many years ago, and they in turn told this bigger asshole my name. Guess it just stuck.

Rubin is Brodricks beta, he’s a seriously bad guy. He loves violence, its one of the reasons he’s so well known. We’ve met a few times, and fought, he’s been trying to capture me alive. I have no idea why but hey, whatever floats your boat.

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