Chapter 36

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Hey All,

So here it is the last chapter. I've added a little of everyone for this chapter. Each of their POV's and then some. ;)

Enjoy and thank you to everyone that comment, voted, and read my story. Seriously, if it wasn't for all of you i don't think i would have gotten this far.

So without further ado enjoy.



“Interesting.” Was my only reply.

This just changed things, what I’m not sure of is if it’s in our favor or against us.

“Were you serious about being short staffed? I really want to help out.”

“Yes I was. It would be a big help if you could help out. Every little bit helps.”

“Does it matter that I know nothing about helping the sick and the injured?”

“Nah, all and any help is welcomed.” He said still smiling down at me. I smiled back at him. This is perfect.

“Sweet. I might stop by to volunteer on Monday after school or something.”

“I’m glad to hear. I’ll look out for you on Monday.”

We walked on; I glanced once more at the massive hospital and smiled to myself. Monday the real fun begins.


Chapter 36

Sammy’s POV

I can’t believe it was him. I had seen him so many times in my dreams and visions, but I had hoped that I wouldn’t meet him in real life… like ever.

But that was a bit optimistic of me, I mean I did see him in a few visions. Him being here is going to ruin everything, and if he’s here then…

I remember the vision like a recent memory, it’s sometimes all that I think of.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as the familiar scene played behind my eyelids.


The vision always starts off the same. I’m locked up in a cell. A collar wrapped around my neck, tied to a chain against the wall. The chain's long enough for me to touch the cell’s glass wall and I’m scared, and alone. I’m tied up like an animal and I’m hugging my legs close to my chest, rocking back and forth trying to find comfort.

I can’t use my powers to see, the collar has something to do with that and I’m not sure how I know this, I just do. I’m defenseless and I had lost my friends. I’m not sure if they were captured too. The cell is dark, except for a single light bulb hanging from the center of the cell, except when they come, then the cold lights outside the cell blaze on so bright I’m blinded for a few minutes.

I hear footsteps approaching and I suck in a breath. It’s not good when they visit; it’s never good when they come. I sit absolutely still, not even daring to so much as breathe.

There are two men, always the two. One I know, that one I had made the mistake of trusting, the other is an older version of the one I trusted. They stare into the cell, their eyes cold and calculating. I stared at the boy I had trusted, the one responsible for me being here, and he reveals nothing, not even a small sliver of the kindness he had showed me before the betrayal. They’re both standing ridged… like soldiers, like mindless soldiers just following orders.

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