Chapter 7

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Snow’s POV


When Hunter said that, it was like all hell broke lose it was like some sort of catalyst that just set everything into turmoil.

People where shouting things, almost everyone stood up, with the exception of the Alpha, who by the way looked extremely calm.

Hunter just kept staring at me and I stared right back at him. I had a jumble of emotions, hurt, shock, anger, but I kept my face strictly blank, allowing nothing to betray the amount of emotions rushing through me.

What! I wasn’t expecting that. Why didn’t he say anything? I was so shocked, I didn’t feel Jake tighten his grip on me.

I had a vague concept of what a mate was from Annabel’s tales but I still didn’t fully understand. I just knew he was my fated other half. Is that why I felt this way towards him?

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

He didn’t move, he didn’t even look away. Nothing. He didn’t even attempt to answer my question.

I vaguely notice the Alpha raising his hand to silence everyone.

“Perhaps we can continue this in my office.”

He stood up and whispered something to his wife.

“Hunter, Snow, Jake. If you would be so kind.”

He walked out of the room expecting us to follow him. After what felt like hours, but in actual fact was seconds, Hunter finally broke his gaze and followed his father, with his shoulders squared and back straight. Not sparing a glance for anyone else.

“Come on Snowflake, lets go.”

Jake grabbed hold of my hand and towed me towards the door. I glanced at Rachelle and she gave me a small smile and turned towards a man she was talking to. He looked like Cole just older, with grey patches on the side of his temples, like Mr. Fantastic from Fantastic four.

I then turned to Cole, and he gave me a sad smile, I smiled back at him. Why couldn’t he have been my mate? Things would have been so much easier.

I turned to face the front and walked closer to my brother. I still couldn’t believe my brother didn’t abandon me, and he was right here next to me. I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across my face. I’ve missed him so much, all those lonely nights and wondering where my family was. Not anymore, Jake was here, everything would be ok right? But that still doesn’t answer a lot of questions, like why didn’t anyone come looking for me? Why did they leave me in the first place? And where are my parents?

We walked back through the dimly lit hallway, and turned right down another passage way next to the stairs. We walked pass the White room, until we got to a door with a silver metal plate, that read 'Mr. A Walker' . Good to know who the moody guy was and which area to avoid.

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