Chapter 24

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 Could it be, another chapter so soon. Whoop, whoop, I'm on a roll baby :D

Mental high five everyone.




I was working my way towards the manor when I heard something that I never wanted to hear ever again and it turned my blood cold.

I heard Snow scream, she was in pain, a lot of pain.

“Cole, you know what to do.” He nodded and I ran towards the manor.

“I’m coming baby hang on.”


Chapter 24


Snow’s POV

I couldn’t take it anymore, I fell to the ground near where the old lady was chained and I heard her say to Broderick.

“Enough of this Broderick. You will live, she has healed the worst of your wounds, there is no need to carry on.”

“You’re right Heather, but I wish all my wounds to be healed.”

“The girl cannot take anymore of this. She will die from these injuries.”

“She finishes what she has started, if she doesn’t. I kill her dear beloved brother.”

I opened my eyes slightly and saw the old lady glare at him; she then leaned down and whispered in my ear.

Don’t worry young lycan, your mate comes. This shall soon be over.”

“How do you know that?”

“Who do you think left you the map?”

“You? How did you-“

Lets just say I have a special power too. Go on, lets get this over with.” She nodded towards Broderick and I got up, stumbling towards Broderick. I heard Jake shout, he had some how gotten his gag off.

“Don’t do this Emma, don’t sacrifice yourself. Think of Hunter.”

“I’m doing this for him, and … for you.”  I was swaying as I walked over to him, clutching my chest and when I reached out to continue, I tripped and accidentally touched Broderick’s skin. I felt his emotions, I felt his anger, his pain, his loneliness, but most of all I felt his sadness, so much sadness, I almost crumbled to the ground, I just wanted to cry my eyes out, to bury myself under my blankets and cry. I could feel my heart breaking, the pain reminding me so much, of the time when Hunter broke up with me. How is it possible for one person to feel this much sadness? And most importantly what made him this sad. I pulled away before I could be anymore affected by him. I looked into his eyes and saw the loneliness, and the sadness. How did I miss it before, he hide it so well behind his cruelty. Is that why he was so cruel, because he couldn’t feel anything but his own pain?

He said nothing when I touched him; he just had the same cold deadened look on his face. I held my shaking hands up over him, about to continue the slow torture.

“Emmaline don’t do this, this is what they want, they want you to do this so that I would turn.”

“You need to hold on Jake, if not for me then for her.”

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