Chapter 34

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“SAMMY, if you let a slip like that happen again, then I’ll be forced to exclude you from the plan and then I’ll have to lock you up in the basement. We can’t afford the slightest mishap. Do you understand? No slipping ups.”

“Fine, I won’t slip up again.”

I sighed a breathe of relieve and leaned against the counter, suddenly tired.

“Help me out with this tea and cookies then we can get ready to go to the bar with Jack.”

“What bar?” Hunter suddenly asked, looking like he was about to go wolf, “And why are you going out with Jack?” he added in a growl.

“Keep your panties on, Jacks into her, I’m just tagging along for support.” HE seemed to relax a bit and then he said, “I’m coming with.”

I just shrugged already expecting this from him and carried on making the tea. I just hope we don’t run into anymore problems.


Chapter  34

The drive to the bar wasn’t all that bad, considering Jack was the one driving and doing most of the talking about the town and the places we’ll enjoy. Sammy sat shot gun and Hunter and I sat in the back. He sat so close to me, our thighs were touching and I could feel the heat of his body radiating off of him. I took a deep breath to try and calm myself, but that was a mistake, his scent filled my lungs, making things that much worse. This is going to be difficult; this is the worst form of torture I can think of. Having your mate so close to you and you can’t even touch him, this is defiantly the worse undercover identity ever. Why couldn’t he be an exchange student living with us, or just one of the collage guys like Cole. This sucks!

We reached the bar in less than ten minutes, everything in this town was so close, I still don’t understand why we had to drive to this place, when it was just as easy to walk.

He’s trying to impress Sammy with his car.”

“Thanks for the input, I wasn’t really asking.” Then I closed the mind link. Hunter looked a little sad, but I couldn’t help it, I was frustrated. I wanted to touch him, to hold his hand and I couldn’t.

We pulled up at the bar and I quickly got out of the car glancing over at the small town bar. It looked more like a shack, it was situated in the least populated side of town, which meant that the only people that frequented this side of town was the bar patrons as well as the bar staff. There was a bright sign that read in a gothic like font ‘The Howling Bar’ with a picture of a wolf howling at a full moon. It was kind of the same image as the weather cock in town on the top of the gazebo. The only difference was that this one had some color instead of the silhouette of the wolf and moon.  The wolf had brown fur and the moon was a pale yellowish glow, it kind of looked a bit realistic.

It was surrounded by trees except for the black road that ran in front of it. The inside was ablaze with a yellow light, loud chatter and rock music could clearly be heard from the outside. You could hear the shattering sound of glass and the clicking sound of someone playing pool. It kind of reminded me of the bar that Sookie Stackhouse work at in true blood. In the front was a lot of motor cycles, I turned to Jack silently looking at the bikes with a raised eyebrow. Did he just take us to a biker bar?

Catching my silent question he said, “No it’s not what you think. The majority of the town folk has motorcycles.”

Sure they do.

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