Chapter 11

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There was snow everywhere, the air around me was so cold, my hair was starting to form icicles and the wind was howling so loud, I could hardly hear myself think. No, wait it wasn’t the wind that was howling, it was wolves. Wolves were howling to signal a hunt and I’m the hunted. I don't know how I know this, I just do. I must ran, I must get away, they can’t catch me, I need to get to somewhere safe. I ran as fast as I could, trekking through the thick heavy snow. The snow started slowly melting and turning into water, when all of a sudden I was submerged in a freezing river fighting to stay above the raging rapids. Gasping for air I manage to break through and hoist myself onto the river bank, onto the soft dirt. Sputtering and coughing up the water. So cold, so very cold.



I looked around and spotted a girl lying in the snow, blood pooling around her, forming red wings, like she made a snow angel with her arms only. I rush over to her side, trying to figure out what I can do. My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach when I realize who the girl is. The same emotions rushed through me, the hopelessness of the situation, the feeling of loss. My throat starts to burn with the raw emotions and my vision blurs from the tears.

It’s Annabel and she looks exactly the way she did the day she died. Her skin pale from loss of blood, her red hair, damped by the pain of a thousand unseen wounds and broken bones. The dark circles around her eyes are more prominent from the pallor of her skin, making her eyes seem bluer and bigger than what they actually are, giving it a hollow effect. I looked for a wound but couldn’t find one, but yet she continues bleeding, the blood continues to leak from her, her mouth, nose and the invisible wound.

I’m so sorry Annabel. I couldn’t save you, Please don’t die, please stay with me.”


“I’m sorry Snow, so sorry.”


“It’s not your fault, never your fault.”


“Take this Snow, remember me.”


She reaches out and pulls the red ribbon from her hair and holds it out to me. I reach out with shaking hands and take it, holding her cold hand in mine and crying so hard my throat feels raw, and my voice seems weak.

“Always Annabel. I’ll never forget you.”


She starts crying and then stops like she heard something in the distance.

“They’re here.”


“Who’s here?”


I start to look around anxious to see who she’s talking about. I hope the rogues aren’t back because I can feel myself drained and totally depleted of energy, but I’m determined to defend Annabel with my life. I can’t lose her, never again.




I turn back to look at her and her face is transforming into a wolf but not quite her wolf and not quit a natural wolf. Her canines are longer, making her look like she’s transforming into a saber tooth, with long baring fangs that are as long as daggers and her jaw is gapping wider. She grabs hold of my hand and pulls me into her mouth. All I see is the blackness of her throat and I scream, I’m being swallowed alive. I can’t breathe and I can’t see, everything goes black, the only thing I can hear is the echo of my scream.

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