Chapter 10

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Hey guys,

Mondays my birthday, so this is kind of my gift to ya'll for being so awesome. I made this an extra long chapter. Hope you enjoy it.

A special thank you to Zee, for helping me with the naming of certain characters. ♥

Enjoy your weekend folks, be good and if you're not, take photo's ;)





Steph♥♥♥ ;)


As I walked into the already quiet class, I could feel all eyes on me. Handing over my information to the teacher, I looked around for anyone I knew… no such luck. The teacher glanced at me and then at the paper I handed to him, then cleared his throat.

Here it comes the introduce yourself story.

“Class, this is Emmaline von Holen, she is a new student here at Wolfsbane, please make her feel welcomed. Find an open seat Emmaline and I hope you enjoy yourself here at Wolfsbane High. Oh and I’m Prof Newman.”

I looked at him trying to hide my joy of not sharing my life story with a bunch of strangers, I nodded to him and looked around the class, there was no visible seat open, it was kind of full already but I spotted a seat  near the back, next to some kid facing out the window. So I made a beeline for that seat, when I got there, the guys things was all over the seat. So I politely cleared my throat to get his attention, when that didn’t work I whispered, “Hey, do you mind if I sit here?”

He turned slowly and looked up at me, like I just asked him, what’s the meaning of life or something.

Then he smiled and removed his things from the seat.


As I was sitting down, the teacher spoke up again.

“Oh good you found a seat. Nicolai can you catch Emmaline up please.”


He stretched out his hand in the age old greeting and smiled at me.

“Hi Emmaline I’m Nicolai as you heard but everyone calls me Nick.”

I shook his hand and smiled in return.

“Hi Nick, I’m Emmaline but everyone calls me Snow.”

“Snow huh? Interesting. How did you get that name?”

“Well I like the snow, and people noticed and started calling me snow. No major story behind it.”

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