Chapter 7: Crystal Heart

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Music filled Noble's ears as soon as he stepped foot into town. It was soothing to the young man's ears since his tension with his mother had subsided yet. He walked ahead of his two girls because he didn't want to cause any drama. His mother wasn't dumb, and it was only a matter of time before she could figure out something was up. So, it was best to stay away until she decided it was nothing to worry about.

The night sky was truly beautiful. The stars glimmered brighter than usual in celebration for the new lunar year. Noble couldn't help but wonder if all those worthy souls up in the night sky were celebrating too? Maybe, Luna was rewarding them with feasts and endless wishes for another good year. All those stars, after all, need to please the goddess as well as the inhabitants back down on her blessed citizens.

Noble's moondust started to glow under the moon's light like glitter on his skin. The reflections of the lantern light also reflected off his skin and every glitter-infused citizen of Meridth. He shivered to himself and despised the lack of jacket he currently did not have on. It had to be extra freezing tonight, with Noble's terrible luck. The only thing that was considerably warm was his neck and a part of his red-tipped ears. His torso was only slightly warm, so Noble would have to find a fire quick.

Noble hadn't noticed his lack of clothing until his little gang had finally arrived at the festival. The lanterns had glowed like firelight in the night sky, mimicking the stars as it should be. Children laughter and crunches of the ice under the villagers' feet entered Noble's ears, and he sighed a frosty breath. Many tamers were wearing attire much like his own as well as been painted with the abundance of moondust the village of Meridth had. Venues full of different types of stalls presented a warm entrance to the Lunar year.

Noble had been wishing that nothing would go wrong this year, not like there had been anything of the sort. It was all getting ignored by everyone except Elders' nods and gazes towards the boy as well as the elderly themselves gawking at the almost young adult. They gawked at every young'un since they had been in the very same place decades before his time. Daley and Mylo would also accompany him on their trips to stalls with homemade food from every village as well as merchandise to purchase. Just a few years back, some of the older folks had started a competition to see who had the best beast, meaning who was the strongest.

Of course, Noble wasn't able to take part but only watch from afar with his little sister on his shoulders.

Noble fixed his red scarf to cover his mouth and nose, distinctly smelling cinnamon and mint as herbs from his mother's worries. The devil herself walked past her son with her daughter holding her hand, but stopped in front of her eldest with her face gleaming with unnatural youth, "I expect you to have a swell time, my boy. Do you need anything before I take off with Sammy here?"

"Maybe a little more gold pieces to buy something. Perhaps a little more for food and gifts for friends." Noble replied his hands in his pant pockets. Five gold pieces flipped around inside with his fingers dangling.

"I reckon little Sammy wants to go get some treats herself, so if you need me," His mother said while pulling out more than enough gold pieces to last him, "Don't bother to ask someone. I'm sure I'll be somewhere with a little giggle on my shoulders."


"Alright, alright. I'm off. Please tell your friends I said my hello," The older women reminded before starting to walk off herself. She stopped herself though, turning her head to meet her son's gaze once more, "Don't forget to go to the temple when the ritual is ready, ya' hear? Even if you may not have a partner, you're still required--"

"I know, Mother. I've done this every year." Noble rolled his eyes, but his mother's stare was still swirling with doubt, "I'm sure Daley will drag me if she has to."

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