Chapter 8: Royal Blood

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"Quite the crowd here, huh?" Mylo commented, turning his head to look at the huge crowd huddling to the stage. Much laughter and talk surrounded the villagers as they waited for the spectacular event waiting to happen.

"Well duh," Daley mocked, "More people would be here since it's the five hundred year mark of the festival's been celebrated under the moon." Her rabbit squealed, almost laughing at the poor boy for his lack of knowledge.

Mylo huffed, "No one told me."

"Alright, ladies. That's enough," Noble intervened into the conversation, speaking his first words since the walk had started walking to the town center. A lot was on his mind, and an overcoming dread had seeped into his stomach for whatever unknown reason. It was only a speck at the first of the moon rise, but now it had blown out of the water. It was consuming almost his every thought, and it had to take his friends to snap him out of it.

As soon as the trio reached their destination, Noble could recognize a few faces and some foreign to his memory. Callum and both his parents were in the front, obvious that they were of higher status in Meridth. A couple rows back was a couple kid Noble had nodded to some time or another while passing each other in class. They were with their parents too. However, a big portion of the wooden seating had been cut off as villagers settled around it curiously. Noble could see a sign, but could not read it despite his good eyesight.

Daley's mother came to retrieve her daughter, even if she wanted to stay with her friends for the yearly event. Her mother was persistent though and pulled her daughter along the path to sit with her and her little brother, no father present. Mylo, on the other hand, dreaded to stay with her mother. By the look on his face, Noble couldn't turn down the pleading glint in his eye.

"So . . . could I possibly come sit with you?" Mylo hesitantly muttered, verbally approving Noble's thoughts.

"You know she will kill you if you don't sit with her, right?" Noble had mastered this conversation, as it wasn't the first time his goofy best friend had made such a request. Noble didn't blame him though. His mother was truly a force to be reckoned with.

"I know, but your mom will always save me, yeah? She's so sweet and motherly. The complete opposite of mine. . ." Eventually, Mylo had tempted Noble with his puppy eyes long enough for him to feel he couldn't deny his best friend.

"Fine, but when your mom comes to hunt me down like the snake she is, I'm using you as my meat shield, got it?"

"Thanks!" Mylo darted through the middle row empty for villagers to walk down.

It looked much like a wedding had, but with a completely different color scheme. A nice, long, dark blue carpet with the beast tamer symbol laid in the middle. Wooden benches were aligned perfectly along the worn-out rug. The steps of the town hall had the same carpet trailing down with four great chairs signifying each elder. Above in the dome, the window glass glimmered in the moonlight, and when a full moon shifted up into the sky, it perfectly created a ray of holy lunar light. These nights are considered the night of worship, as well as holy holidays to whomever, celebrated the moon goddess' beauty and power.

With his very own beast stone dangling around his neck, Noble stepped one foot in front of the other while his eyes scanned the crowd for his own family. To his surprise, he found his mother conversing with Mylo in the middle of the benches on the very corner of the seat where it ended. Sam was in her lap curious about what was going on. It had only been her second time here at the festival, and Noble understood exactly where she was.

With a mischievous smile, Noble lifted her up in the air in a fit of giggles while shooting into an available space between to his mother and his best friend. She wiggled his arms and turned as soon as her big brother had sat down on his own. She didn't say anything though, only smiled brightly and turned back around, plopping back down on his lap. With a cocked eyebrow, Noble readjusted his scarf, effectively blocking the cold breeze on his neck.

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