Chapter 22: So Strong, So Beautiful

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(I legit started to cry at the end since I was listening to piano music while writing it. It was so damn perfect, and UGH, THESE TEARS)

Raja was aware that Noble had entered some kind of delusion as he felt it above him. The run towards the fields wasn't hard on his paws, and he might as well stretch one out. Sitting at the foot of the windy plains, Noble, with his sister and . . . friend jumped off to do the same. Lily, however, shifted into her natural form.

She wasn't nearly as big as Raja was, but she was big for a lioness. Of course, she had no main, but her fur was a beautiful silver color with her eyes mimicking her younger brother's She dug her claws into the dirt under her and stretched her back to hear a relieving popping sound.

Raja did the same, but he wasn't satisfied when no cracking of his spine entered his ears. He huffed out a breath of frustration before Lily approached with a curious look in her eyes. She cocked her head to the side and sent an indirect plea of how well he felt right in this moment.

"You look more dragon than human now," Mylo stopped Raja's train of thought. The lion glanced over to see Noble's back and Mylo's impressed expression, "You look as if you are ready to scare all the children into wetting their breeches."

"Do I?" Noble rose his hand to his face, but his gloves were blocking any attempt to feel any smooth or roughness that had potentially changed.

"I don't know what happened, but your horns, they are turning more lighter. Maybe, they are growing a bit longer. Your eyes, however, returned to their normal circle shape. Though . . . I don't think you've noticed that you grew some sharp teeth as well. Open wide!"

"My Luna, Noble," Sam's eyebrows were furrowed, "You look like Mr. Hawk when he decided to mess with mommy that one council meeting."

Raja, now curious, quickly felt his human shape return to him. He grabbed Noble's shoulder and whirled him around. Mylo was right. The lion pulled up Noble's upper lip to reveal not one, not two, but a whole mouth of very sharp teeth fit to sink into his prey's. They were nowhere near as sharp as Raja's two fangs were, but they could do much damage if they wanted to.

"Did that dragon do anything to you other than this?" Raja muttered under his breath in his native tongue. Noble's eyes widened at the recognition of their meeting. Yes, Raja did know what went on inside his beat tamer's mind since they were one and the same. For Noble, however, he could not sense the lot. Raja was the source of his power, so it made sense.

Both Sam and Mylo looked at them with confused faces, but Noble perfectly understood. Was this understanding from his time with Raja before this life? Or when they performed the ritual? Noble didn't entertain the thought but replied back in the same tongue, "He did not do much. He only told me how to reach my full potential when he finds me worthy enough."

"Do not dwell on it too much until we reach the camp Helena was talking about. I need to speak with you, privately. I rather get there as quickly as we can, because it is urgent." Raja replied back, and Noble stared at him for a few moments, finally clicking inside his mind.

"Alright, everyone. Break's over. We need to get there quickly." Noble said in their normal language.

"What did he say, brother?" Sam asked innocently while she jumped to get into Lily's lap.

"We have to get there quickly, and I trust Raja's judgment. He said something about needing to touch base with the resistance as soon as we can before the emperor finds out they're under his nose." Noble explained, and Sam just stared at her brother with tired eyes, "He also told me that there's a waterfall there for you to swim! If you be a good girl, maybe I will take you there as soon as I am able?"

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