Chapter 24: I Remember Our First Time

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(WARNING: For the sake of this story, I'm going to ask you to grow up for this chapter. It gets very spicy towards the end, and I don't want you all to be like "oh shit, I don't like this sexy scene" or be grossed by it. I warned you. I really don't want to mark this story as mature, so please, act mature! Thanks!)

Though the trip wasn't much longer, the weather did not feel any sympathy towards the group. It had started to rain down daringly cold droplets, ones Raja and the unicorns weren't ready for. Though Raja had much fur to cover his skin from the cold, it only covered so much to the point where he was shivering and just downright wet.

Sam was lucky for that Noble had forced himself to lean over the little girl, so she was shielded from the rain. This caused some major cramps in his back over time. Every once in awhile, he would straighten up, hearing that satisfying popping sound of his back before returning to the position.

With his horns and teeth and every dragonic feature he had inherited gone, it was much easier to see in front of him. Though Noble began to even question that when his sight would falter and turn shades of warm colors. He could even hear the distant sounds of a waterfall when he was on the back of Raja. It would only last for a split second before returning to his original sight.

When all else seemed lost, the sight of a wall made out of pure logs entered one of their sights. Neither of them knew who had yelled in glee over the idea of civilization, but it certainly attracted onlookers guarding the camp.

The thoughts of food, fresh water, and shelter tempted Noble to just barge his way in, but that would be uncivil of him. He was the physical representation of royalty, and he needed to act like it if he were to save this country from decaying any further.

"You remember when I said that I wanted you to meet someone, Noble?" Mylo brought up before sliding off his mount. He motioned for Noble to do the same. Making sure Sam was secure enough to stay on while staying dry under his massive scarf he lent her, he slid off with a plop onto the wet dirt, "I lied. I want to show you two people I am sure you will be happy to see."

"It's never dull with you, isn't it, Mylo?" Noble chuckled while he shook his head. Stored up water exited his now bright blonde hair, the curls still retaining their shape.

The big entrance to camp stated to open, and several alert bowmen tread carefully towards the two men. Lily had finally jumped off her own unicorn at the display these men were presenting. She stood near her younger brother while watching Sam. She was close enough to where she still stayed close to the tamer and the demon. One important man walked through the small field before approaching Noble.

"May I see your hand, sir?" The voice was raspy like he had been yelling for hours now. He bore gray hair with a matching mustache. His armor was engraved with the lunar royal sigil while a leather hood protected him from the rain pouring down above him.

Noble gladly ripped off his glove and opened his right palm to reveal his beast tamer symbol. The man had visibly looked surprised, but choose not to react like a lunatic. If the marks on his face and neck weren't enough, his hand was important proof to recognize just how important Noble was to the public, more importantly to this resistance.

"I am dearly sorry for your mother, Lord Leo. We haven't gotten much word of her from the castle." The man went on saying. He waved his hand, and the bowmen backed down from their offensive states, "You must be tired and hungry, knowing how pushing Lord Tharros can be. Your trip was well worth it, I assure you."

"A bowl of Mother's soup would be amazing right now," Noble muttered under his breath before following the man, "A change of clothes as well. It's not exactly fun to sleep in snow and dirt at the same time, sir . . . ?"

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