Chapter 17: Leo

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"You see them, don't you?" Noble whispered in the bushes. With Raja right next to him, his human head nodded, spotting three men who were dressed in armor with a symbol on the chest plate. They were oblivious to the group in the bushes, and Noble assumed that  Mylo would somewhere inside its walls. 

"What do you think we should do, Noble?" Lily questioned quietly while Sam was on her back like a piggy back ride. 

"I don't know how they'll react to, you know . . ." He pointed to Raja as well as his own forehead, the black markings of his beast tamer branding. He sighed and rubbed his face into his hands.

"Even my magic has its limits. I can't hide something as powerful as that, Lord Noble."  Cedar added while he on looked from the contents of his new home, Noble's red scarf. 

That's when a small hand tugged on Noble's arm, and he turned his body to see a little girl with a smile on her face tugging on his sleeve. She motioned for them to follow her, and she was somehow nimble on her feet. Noble was hesitant at first.

"I want you all to stay here," Noble said, and Raja sat up to offer to come along. Noble intercepted him before he could speak a word, "I know how to handle myself, and I want you to protect these two if they were to come over here, got it?"

Treading carefully towards the direction the little girl ran off into, Noble kept his senses up in case there was an attack on him. However, once he arrived at a small spot in the forest, he hadn't expected what he thought his brain was preparing for.

It was two children, including the little girl, standing in the middle of the forest. Once she heard the crack of the snow, both turned their head towards Noble with a smile on their faces. The little girl had beautiful black hair with orange eyes to brighten up her dark complexion. The boy beside her had similar features, but his hair was a little lighter than her jet black strands. She was smiling like she was insane, but the little boy had grown flustered and shy, hiding behind the little girl. 

"Hello there, Mister!" The little girl giggled.

"Hello . . ." Noble replied with a pause. 

"My brother and I found you up the mountain when we were trying to search for our little fox. You don't have a collar either, so I'm glad we caught you before you approached the royal guard," She explained, and Noble's face turned a light pink at the reminder of that scene with Raja. 

"I am glad as well, I suppose. This is my first time in this town . . . or this country at all," Noble went on.

"I noticed. All magic users must have a collar, or we will sadly be punished," The little girl frowned slightly.

"And how do you know I'm a magic user?"

"Well duh! I saw your big ole' cat up the hill! Quite big, wasn't he, Twixy?"

"I guess," The boy now called Twixy muttered and opened up from his hiding spot, "We have not seen magic like yours, mister. You completely melted the snow around you, and that strange tattoo on your face started to glow as well as your eyes."

"Yeah! It was so cool!" The little girl squealed, "My name is Nyxy, and this is my little brother, Twixy. We are the only magic users in the town, sadly."

"The only two?" Noble cocked his head to the side, confused by the thought of just two magic users in one whole town. There had been many in the village of Meridth, and even the beast duds were able to conjure up a simple spell when they were old enough. It's not like Noble ever tried since it wasn't that strong until he bonded with Raja. That's when it started to kick off into a fast race of how overwhelmed Noble could become. 

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