Chapter 11: Temptation Breaks Loose

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(*Fans self* Oh boy, this chapters gets Hot if you know what I'm saying. Just the right amount too. I'm sorry, but I had to. No hate comments, please! Thank you )

"I need you to wake up." A small voice in Noble's head whispered faintly.

"What?" Noble replied, realizing that there was no one there to hear him talk to himself in the blank space of his mind. He sighed, wrapping his arms around his knees that were up against his chest. With his chin rested in between the gap, Noble begged for the mysterious voice to reveal itself.

It was every time he would gaze off into the little world in his head. It was always a female voice, urging him on to open his extremely heavy eyes. Did she not know that was just as painful to perform such a task? Though there was nothing here other than himself, he . . . rather be here than where it hurt the most, even if his Raja was there to comfort and greet him when he arrived once more to the real world.

"They need you, Noble. Wake. Up." The voice demanded, and Noble toppled over, face first, into the abyss of nothingness.

Noble huffed, jumping from his hunched position back to his feet. He glanced around, frustrated. Even if he tried, it would take hours for him to get enough focus to slip back into consciousness only to be sent back here. Noble was on the verge of just giving up. Each time, it got harder and harder for him to achieve what seemed like impossible to him.

"You will get nowhere if you don't push yourself. Wake. Up."

Noble was shoved off his feet once more, but with more force, than he was expecting. He face-planted into the ground, but it was just enough to zap him back to reality. That was by far that fastest he had shifted from consciousness and unconsciousness. Noble's eyes blinked rapidly to wipe away the blurriness.

His head wasn't hurting as he thought it would, and he was surprisingly . . . relaxed. A good kind of warmth surrounded his cooled off skin, and Noble blew a breath of relief. The air was moist, that was for sure. He knew he wasn't in the cold, dry air anymore, and until the blurriness in his eyes faded, Noble would ponder where he actually was. That's when he moved his foot and felt the current of warm water but . . . something else too. Another foot? Noble thought.

A cloth slid across his cheek carefully, cool of the warm water it was dipped in. Water droplets slide down his cheek and dripped off his neck. Noble tensed by the foreign hand, and it was pulled back, losing the heat that was once there. With a few more blinks, Noble finally came to his senses, and he wasn't expecting what he first saw when his vision was restored.

It was Raja, on his lap, shirtless--potentially naked if he were to look down-- in all his glory. He had a curious but relieved glint inside his heavenly blue eyes. With a cloth in one hand and the other holding himself up on the ledge behind him, Raja smiled brightly, dropping the cloth next to Noble's head. Noble had never been so relieved yet frustrated in his life. This was a new world record. He was about to question where he was until Raja leaned down to kiss his forehead.

"Elixir is working?" Raja questioned to himself, resting some of his weight in Noble's lap. Being much lighter in water, Noble was able to take it, but he was too busy exploding like a fire spell that his face was becoming. He had never seen Raja without his fur coat. In fact, he hasn't much of his skin in the first place. Noble wasn't about to admit that he liked it out loud either.

Raja tilted his head and stared at the boy for the answer he was waiting for, and Noble snapped up, groaning when his back cracked. "I-I guess so . . . M-My head i-isn't hurting as m-much," Noble stuttered in reply. This had to be the most uncomfortable, yet comfortable position he had ever been in yet.

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