Chapter 9: Bittersweet Reunion

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The snow was falling down at an alarming rate outside the cave. According to the birds, such weather wasn't planned for the night, and Raja could sense magic being used in incredible amounts. Lifting himself up on all four of his paws, Raja shook himself out of sleep. He guided himself to the entrance, dread-dripping in his head.

His head hurt for unknown reasons, and the nightmare he had just awoken himself from hadn't helped his growing pain. Despite being in freezing temperatures, Raja felt like he was peeling out of his own skin. He had a strong resistance, being a lion, so it wasn't as bad as he kept thinking it really was. With his tail swinging behind him, he stepped into the snow only to be slapped by freezing winds. He huffed, shaking his mane of the buildup of snow.

Maybe a walk would do him some good? Clear his mind and maybe heal the growing pains in his brain.

The rabbits nestled into their holes in the ground to protect themselves from the snow but furthermore from the predator walking around lazily. He had even spotted a deer walking on about, but quickly fled by the growl emitting from the white lion.

Then, it hit him.



"Noble, w-what's happening?" Sammy escaped from the woman's arms and entered his with a crushing hug the following suit. The pain still ached but knowing his little sister was safe and sound made it more bearable.

"I don't know, Sammy bear." Noble sighed, sinking to his knees with her in his arms. He dug his face into her tiny neck while she shook. Soothing rubs persuaded Noble that this was actually happening. Something so fast changed his life in little as a second. Noble refused to look up from his sister while the woman sighed.

"Noble, I need you to understand that you need to go as soon as you can." The woman said, tapping his shoulder lightly, "It is not safe for you, especially, here."

"Why?!" Noble suddenly screamed, "Who was that man to me? Why does it hurt so bad? What did he do to my mother?" Angry tears rushed down his cheeks as he set down Sam. With his fists clenched, he punched the wall, only to snap it with newly found strength.

"I understand you have questions, but it is not your time to have the answers. I need to get you ready to travel up the mountain, because he won't be able to go up there--"

"Lilla, let me the honors. This wasn't supposed to happen so soon yet." Mylo sighed. He walked out of the room with no other word spoken, leaving Noble with a silent Izzy, a crying Sam, and a tense woman that resembled Raja quite too well.

"Where am I exactly going?" Noble questioned after a few tense minutes passed by.

"We need to take you to that stupid lion until he leaves," Izzy snapped, hate coursing through her voice. With scrunched eyebrows, Izzy lifted Noble by his shirt with a mad frown, "Get yourself together! I know you're weak and all, but you're just about the only hope we have to keep this mountain intact right now. I promised your mother I would help you when the time came, and I need to ask you to be strong for her and your little sister."

Noble's eyes widened, and he stopped his shaking on the spot, clearly intimidated but more so inspired by her fierce speech.

Mylo entered the scene with a huge backpack on his back. Noble couldn't understand how he did it with all the weight on his back. If Noble didn't know, Mylo must have been carrying what three people could carry alone. Noble wasn't able to ponder on that thought either as the woman with bright blue eyes stepped in his line of vision.

"Unfortunately, your sister won't be able to come with you." She smiled sadly.

Noble turned his gaze to his little sister. The five-year-old resting on the couch, her face tear-stained and flushed red. He frowned but knew that a five-year-old wouldn't be able to survive such a trip he was expected to take. He turned back to her with a determined look on his face, "I understand, but . . . please take care of her until I come back for her, okay?"

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