Chapter 15: Cedar Greystone

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"I'm sorry I didn't get the deer meat for you, Raja." Lily sighed, and the little boy frowned disappointingly towards her. They use to always find deer around, but after the poachers entered the woods, Lily wasn't able to hunt without being caught. It was beginning to get worse too, and she had to make the most important decision of her life.

With their parents already killed off without even a drop of mercy, she was the only one able to take care of Raja who looked up to her for comfort and protection. However, she wasn't able to give it any longer, and she had to flee before the emperor would find her once more. She had gone to the werewolf village, the Gamma Pack, seeking a watchful eye towards her little brother as she traveled down the mountain in seek for the Mistress of Midnight.

"You will watch him from a distance until I come back?" Lily fiddled with her hair with her newly made bag around her shoulders.

The dark-skinned Luna smiled and nodded, "I owe your father for many debts. See to the lion cub to have a safe life until he is able to defend himself."

She fled down to the village when the villagers held out welcoming arms to any strangers. She was given a home to stay while she, at night, hunted in the night. While in her time, she thought about her brother, but she needed to find the great witch to help her.

All her instincts pointed to a small cottage outside the village where smoke drifted from the chimney and the fire was lit ablaze from inside. She found that a woman, looking a wink older than her twenties, answered the door with a little child in her arms. The child had a red scarf hiding most of his face, but it was clear that he had recently been laughing. His silver eyes filled with exhaustion.

"You took your time getting here, Lily. Come in. We have much to discuss."

The white lioness was welcomed into the home where the little boy fled into another room, silencing the small whine of another child.

"Do not mind him. He isn't much of a talker. Now, I know why you're here, and I think I am able to help. Though, some things require . . . sacrifices."

Lily's expression turned grim after her conditions were set, but she composed herself, "I fear for my little brother, but I will do everything, anything to keep him safe from him."

"We are similar in a lot of ways, dear Lily," The Mistress of Midnight chuckled as she gazed over to her children, "We have a deal, White Lioness."


His sister stared at him with hope that he would come to fully accept her after years of abandonment. It was after all those days where Raja felt like he had no meaning than to just hunt and survive to live. So many emotions were swirling through Raja's head that it began to hurt. He didn't know what to feel since he had never felt so many at once. Unknown to her excuse to why she left so long ago, Raja just continued to clench his fists until his knuckles were as white as the snow.

His brain came to two choices. Should he run and embrace her until there was no more life in his dear older sister? Or rage at her for abandoning him at a young age to defend himself on his own? The years of loneliness that caught up with him in the moment? It was all too much.

Raja did what he only knew.

He ran over to the small lady, cheeks stained with falling tears. He dropped to his knees in front of her, and she kneeled down to his level with a genuine, sad smile.

"Words cannot describe how sorry I am, my little lion." Lily wrapped her arms around his neck, and Raja instantly caved into his sister's warm body. He sobbed loudly into her coat while Lily just weaved her fingers through his fluffy white hair. His body lurched and shook, and Noble watched in heartbreak as he saw Raja in his weakest state he had ever been, "Yes, I know. I am so sorry, Raja."

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