Chapter 26: Grandmother Moon

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(This is a little shorter than what I usually write, so yeah, it's a little short. Important though! Thanks!)

Much to his pains, Raja felt himself wake from his brief daze. How long he had been out, he did not know. He knew for certain that something was different. But when he tried to sit up, he was only greeted by the sharp pains in his lower back. He groaned before slowly slipping off the layers of warmth to reveal he was named underneath. 

Noble was nowhere to be found, and he was starting to worry. He had to take things slow in order to get up properly without injuring himself further. After a few minutes he progressed to get up on his feet, he rummaged through the pile of clothes provided for both of them. It felt weird for the lion that his tamer was already as tall as him but wider shoulders than Raja. 

Raja chose something simple and sweet. He inched into a black tunic, and slowly, he pulled up leather trousers. A belt secured them in place, and black boots slipped onto his feet perfectly. Though the sunshine, it was still cold outside. He tied a cloak on his shoulders, so he wouldn't draw too much attention with his white hair. it would also help keep the cold out even when he was an incubator of heat himself. 

He was greeted by two guards as still as a post standing outside his tent. He could just walk by himself, but those same guards stopped him.

"Sir, Lord Leo strictly ordered us to stay by the tent until you've awoken. Please report to him immediately!" The man seemed scared to be in the presence of a lion, a god no less. His friend on the other side of the entrance bid no better.

"Do you know where I might find him then?" Raja's voice was somewhat colder than he expected, and it even cracked up an octave. Noble really drained him of his energy, not like he was complaining. His back, however, could beg to disagree.

"Lord Leo and Mistress Lina has moved to the main tent to talk. That is all the information that I have with me at the moment, Sir Tharros." The other spat out. By the looks of it, these men hadn't been here long.

Why is that name familiar? Raja thought to himself before waving his thoughts away. Finding Noble was more important than thoughts such as those. He nodded to the two and surprised them both by smiling, "Thank you."

Though his cloak continued to split in the middle, it was not so hard to conceal his noticeable hair underneath. The cloak was mostly for the humans who populated the camp more so the other races. The closer he got to the big tent, the more condensed the crowds became. He did stop in his journey for a quick stop to gather his surroundings.

The resistance camp provoked different smells depending on your location. The dirt roads smelled of pine and burning wood, something Raja would never get enough of.  The market was a decent size for a big, condensed population such as the camp. No doubt there was more and more coming in every day. Pretty soon, the camp will become a base, a city for the poor and the magical. Spices and the artificial scent of goods being made had ridden that part.

Raja's favorite part was when he passed the large tent that housed all the children. Most stared at him with awe, because they saw nothing but a star. A man with skin of glowing light and blue eyes that promised safety. He had even approached the tent and entered inside where a horde of children attacked his legs. He crouched down with a smile on his face because it brought no greater joy than to see children smiling in a time of rising war.

"My Papa said that you were a big lion," A female elf gasped. She bore dark brown hair, brown eyes, and looked the age of seven or eight, "He said that we pray to the big lion for courage in battle."

"Yeah! My pop is one of the hunters that get food. He has a pendant with a big lion on it! He says that it gives him the courage to fight bears and wolves!" The child was smaller than the others, obviously of dwarf origin. he had bright red hair and vibrant green eyes.

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