Tori's Tour

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We where walking on the 3rd floor I think?
"Where are we?" I asked
"I know exactly where we are Zan. Okay? Don't question me." She responded quickly. I waited and said started whining.
"Tori" I dragged out.
"Zan" she said mocking my tone
"Im hungry" Nugging her as we walked around the corridor.
"Nice meeting you Hungry."
"My feet hurt Tori" I said when she started to straighten her Hufflepufff tie.
"And my ears hurts listening to you talk."

Not bad tori-kins but I can do so much better.
"My eyes hurt from looking at you" I said calmly. She stuttered trying to form a come-back but it takes Tori a good days notice to have one ready. The only line she had was.
Now that is what I call a sad come-back.
"You know it, now where are we?"
"Ummm the great hall" she said proudly.
"FOOOODDDDDD" I yelled as a charged through the doors. Tori yelling behind me to go to the Hufflepuff table. So I sprinted to the house table who looked the most surprised and sat down. Filling my plate to the brim Tori finally sat down. "What took you so long?" I said smirking.

"JAMES NO OKAY YOU WHERE FLIRTING WITH MY SISTER." I looked behind me to see a flaming Lily Evans and a confused James Potter. Awe Lily is so cute when shes pissed.
"Lily you need calm down please we can talk about this" James asked sweetly. He thinks that will make her stop and think? Glasses is just adding fuel to the already giant pissed off fire.
"JAMES POTTER I WILL NOT CALM DOWN" Lily said rolling her eyes. James reached out to touch her shoulder. "STOP DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME" Lily screeched in that very annoying, very high pitched voice.

Wait where all the professors? Do they eat in a different room or something? Where are they when we actually need their help?

"Lily just listen-" she cut him off.
"NO POTTER-" I couldn't help it I just burst out laughing.
"Do you have problem with me Zan" Lily hissed
I flinched a little bit on the inside. That was the name Lily called me, before she found out she was a witch, before she got the letter.
"I do actually." I said she brought me into this emotionally now anything is fair game. "Why are you yelling at a guy who you have rejected so many times? Have you claimed him because every single time Potter asks you out it makes you feel that much better about yourself. Lily Evans you are playing with the poor boy, you're leading him on, only to shoot him down when he musters the courage to ask. So if James apologizes for talking to another person. What happens next? Every thing goes back to normal? Is that it Lily"  I said starting to get a little angry, I felt Tori's hand on my shoulder she was standing with me. Wait when did I stand up? 

Lily stormed out of the great hall, and I just watched her a smile broke out on my face. I sat down and started eating my lovely meal.

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