Taylor Carter

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Work, Taylor Carter is always working. Working to make his team better. Working for money. But I never thought Taylor Carter would be so openly.... Gay.

"How are you and Dan doing?" Lucy asked Carter on the way to the qudditich field. Carter just sighed in frustration and sadness.

"He is not answering my letters." I was going to put my hand on his shoulder, but I pulled it back because Carter does not need my pity. "But lets see if we have a chaser on our hands" He said smiling at me it was almost scary. "Evans fly around the pitch 5 times I need to time your speed" Carter commanded.

I want food today because its Friday night and I do not have any friends that I want to talk too. I heard Slytherin is suppose to be a house full of bitches I aint no bitch I a bad bitch. Should I get up? I like my blanket though..... Crap I am suppose to go play a game of pick up with tori-kins. Where are my shoes? I slipped on my beautiful dirt color shoes that are for working out. Lets go I closed my dorm door. Wait I need a shirt. I slipped on a green slytherin jumper for qudditich. Which I think matches my grey sweats perfectly. I match pretty well if I do say so myself.

God how long does it take to get to the qudditich pitch? Tori is not even that good at qudditich. So why am I going? Thats because that hot Keeper that Tori has been obsessing over since 1st year is going to be there.

Crap she is going to be pissed. I walked on the qudditich pitch slowly hoping no one would notice but they where all waiting for me apparently.

"What took you so long Zan? I told you six, what exactly took you so long?" Tori said bursting out of the stands in Huffelpuff qudditich robes. God how was she even a chaser for their team they must suck. "Zan pay attenion."

"I was studying plays for Carter" I said only lying a tiny bit because I saw Carter in the stands. She glared at me knowing I was bull shitting her.

"Fine" she smiled lightly "Lets pick teams everybody. Who wants to be capitan?"

"I can do this" Madame Niche said with a warm smile. Tori only nodded and everyone nodded all 14 players including myself. "Lupin and Generich." That makes sense the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw Keepers. Well Carter the Slytherin keeper, and Deresen the Hufflepuff keeper where in the stands. "Generich start with the chasers"

"Tori" He said. Oh is tori gettin some? I winked at her and she just blushed. Lupin's turn hmmmm.... I wonder who he will pick... James?

"James" Lupin said simply.

"Evans" Lover boy said well Tori was whispering in his ear. I walked over to stand by Tori-kins.

"Rita" Lupin said with lots of consideration I was not suprised though Rita was a Huffelpuff in 7th year, the others options where Bella and some other Huffelpuff

"Black" Bella is on my team you got this Bella. I looked at Lupin he looked relived. As the Huffelpuff walked over to his team.

Madame Niche looked at the teams "Seekers next" she looked amused almost at the teams. "Lupin start"

A Slytherin or a Gryffindor...

"Weasely" Arthur walked over with no suprise on his face. Reggie sprinted over and flinged himself in my arms. I just laughed and hugged him back.

"Beaters Lupin Starts."

"Sirius" he was already there Sirius knew he would be on that team.

"Malfoy" Generich said lucy smiled and did a bro hug with Reggie.

The choice where a huge Ravenclaw or a lanly Hufflepuff. The choice was pretty obvious.

"Daniels" the hufflepuff walked over. What the Fuck Lupin? As the Ravenclaw walked over to our team. As if Tori sensed my comfusion she said.

"Slytherin and Ravenclaws vs. Huffelpuff and Gryffindor" I understood now we where in truce with Ravenclaw.

"Teams 5 minutes to get ready." The other team started flying around immediately. We all turned to Genrich and he said.

"Okay Black do any warm ups you need, Malfoy and Beckerman do not let anyone get hit understand. Also aim the bluggers at the biggest threats-"

"Who are the biggest threats?" I asked because I have never seen anyone play before.

"Potter, Rita, Weasley and Lupin" he said looking at me hmm not bad Tori-kins. "Bellatrix and Evans teach Tori your offense. And once you guys are done come shoot on me I will go grab some quffales." He walked away and everyone else did too.

I listened to Bella explain to Tori our offense it is what makes Slytherin so good. "Attack in a triangle, also if you miss get back as fast as you possibly can"

"Thats it?" Tori asked with confusion drawn in her face.

"Thats what makes us so great no one excpects simple."

"But-" tori got cut off by me

"We still do simple passes like. Drop, back, left, right and above." Tori smiled. "Okay lets go shoot on....."

"Derek" Bella said. So his name is Derek huh? We flew and took warm up shots. It was sorta boring but the best part was that we where gonna win.

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