Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"Can you ride a horse?" Liam asked the next morning after breakfast.

Emma pulled on her coat and shook her head. "My family never did have one."

Liam nodded. "You'll have to ride on Honey with me then."

"Honey?" Emma smiled. "That's a pretty name."

Liam's eyes locked on her mouth a moment before he grunted and turned away from her. "Only horse I've ever seen try to raid bee hives for honey. The name seemed to fit."

They finished pulling on their gloves and caps before Liam led Emma out into the cold. After being so warm inside the cabin, the freezing air was a shock to her system. The sun, shining brightly in the sky, just didn't seem to have much power behind it.

They stepped into the barn and Liam began saddling Honey. She was a pretty brown mare with a white star on her forehead. Emma walked to Liam's other horse.

She hadn't asked him about money, or how much of it he had, but she knew he must be well off. The man somehow had two horses when most people she knew could not afford to have even one.

Emma reached out and stroked the mare's soft gray neck. "What's her name?"

Liam glanced over his shoulder before shrugging. "She doesn't have one."

Emma frowned. "She has to have a name."

Liam turned his attention back to Honey. "She's a horse. She doesn't care."

Emma shook her head. "But maybe she does."

Liam grumbled under his breath before letting out a sigh. "Horse. Her name is Horse."

"That's a terrible name," Emma muttered.

Liam stood straight and turned to face her. Emma shifted her feet. Was he angry? She hadn't meant to insult him.

But it wasn't anger in Liam's brown eyes as they gazed at her. It was amusement. "And what exactly would you name her?"

Emma chewed her lip. "Misty."

Laughter, a sound Emma had never heard rumble so freely from a man, filled the barn. "Misty?" He shook his head. "I think she prefers Horse."

"No, she doesn't. Misty suits her."

Liam's brow rose. "Why?"

"Because she's gray," Emma replied timidly. Speaking her mind and voicing an opinion weren't things she had much experience with.

"Have you ever seen gray mist? I haven't. I think Smoke or Storm would suit her better."

Emma lowered her gaze and nodded. "Okay." She wasn't going to argue.

When Liam remained silent, Emma peeked a glance at him and realized he was frowning. "I'm sorry," she offered.

Liam's frown deepened. "Don't."

"Don't what?"

"Apologize when you haven't done anything wrong. And don't bow down like that. You don't lower your head and give in. If you want something or believe in something then speak your mind and stand your ground."

Emma couldn't believe her ears. She was sure her jaw nearly hit the floor. Her head shook quickly. "No man wants a willful woman. My pa would....."

Liam grumbled loudly and interrupted her. "I'm not your pa and not all men are afraid of a strong woman."

Emma was unsure what to say and so she said nothing. Liam returned to his task of readying Honey. Emma followed him as he led the horse outside.

Liam slid fluidly into the saddle. He reached out a hand to help Emma up. The moment she slid her hand into his calloused palm and his strong fingers wrapped around hers, Emma felt a shockwave rush through her. Her knees grew weak.

Every time Liam touched her, Emma felt the same heart-pounding reaction. What did it mean? Did Liam feel it too?

Emma looked up to his face, hoping to see some kind of answer. Instead, he simply frowned and gave a tug, lifting her up into the saddle behind him.

Emma, who had never before been on horseback, clung to Liam and trembled violently. Honey shifted restlessly beneath them and Emma nearly screamed.

Liam patted the mare's neck. "Calm down, Emma. She can sense your fear."

"But....But what if I fall, or she spooks and throw me off, or...."

"You have to trust the horse and you have to trust yourself. If you do that, she'll respect you."

"Could ya..." Emma stopped speaking as Liam started Honey down the snowy trail.

"Could I what?" he asked patiently.

"If ya have time someday, I'd like to learn to ride a horse."

Liam nodded. "When things settle down and if you decide to stick around here, I'll teach you."

Emma stopped speaking then as they rode along in silence and she thought about her future. Would she stay so near the mountain? Could she? Surely if she was where her father could find her, she would never know peace.

But where could she possibly go? She had no money, no education and no knowledge of the world.

As if he could sense the turmoil in her mind, Liam laid his hand over hers on his lean stomach. "Don't be afraid. Town is far enough from the mountains to keep your pa from trying much there. And there are a lot of good folks there. I'll point you in the right directions."

He let his hand fall from hers. "And I'll look out for you too. I won't just abandon you, Emma."

Emma couldn't explain the warmth she felt at his final words. No man had ever been a comfort to her. Never had one made her feel safe and protected. But with Liam, she was beginning to feel both those things.

Maybe she would find safety in town. Maybe, away from that mountain, more people would be like Liam.

For the first time in her life, Emma felt hope.

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