Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter Thirty-Four

Liam felt the bullet tear through his arm. Emma jerked in his lap and fear overwhelmed him. Had she been hit? Her head was mere inches from his arm... had the bullet.....?

Liam glanced down at her, saw the fear on her perfectly intact face and pulled his gun as he slid from Honey's back and pulled her with him.

The shot had come from behind them to the left. Liam spun that way, saw the man standing in the brush, preparing to take another shot which was being hindered by Colt and Honey, storming around them.

Liam aimed his weapon and squeezed the trigger. The blast of the gunshot reverberated through his body and the sound of the bullet striking flesh filled his ears.

The man's body fell, disappearing among the leaves and branches of the bush he'd been taking cover behind.

"Emma, I need you to stay here, okay?"

Emma's grip on him tightened. "No.. don't' leave me alone," she pleaded. "You were shot!" Her voice was near hysterics as she noticed the bloody wound on his arm. "Are you okay?"

Liam took a deep breath. His nerves were strained and his attention was on everything around them, waiting for another threat—but he had to stay calm on the outside for Emma.

"I'm fine, love. It's just a scratch. Stay behind me. I need to make sure he's dead."

Liam headed toward the man, his eye scanning all around them at once, just in case another shooter was lying in wait.

When Liam flipped the dead body over, Emma gasped. "That's... that's my uncle... it's my father's brother."

Liam tensed. It was one thing if Silas wanted to send men after him—but he'd crossed one hell of a line sending his brother to shoot him when Emma had been so close. What if that damn bullet had missed him? What if Emma had.....

Liam shook his head to end that train of thought.

"Liam... my father must have sent him...."

Liam could hear the fear in Emma's voice and it angered him. She had been doing so good. Growing stronger and braver and had even managed to knock Bethany on her ass today. She had laughed and been completely carefree tonight.....

Why wouldn't Silas let go?

"Come on, Emma. Let's get home."

The ride home was tense. Liam made Emma get on Colt and he rode on Honey, making wide circles around her as he kept a sharp look out for any other threats.

They made it to the cabin safely. Liam helped Emma undress and she helped him clean and bandage the deep gouge the bullet had torn through his arm.

Emma was trembling as they climbed into bed and Liam wrapped her tightly in his arms. "Sleep, love. He won't hurt you. We're safe in the cabin."

"He's never going to stop, is he?" she whispered, her voice nearly emotionless as she stared into the night.

Liam held her tighter and kissed her brow. "Just sleep now, love. I'll keep you safe."

It was several long hours before Emma trembles and fitful sleep gave way to deep slumber brought on by sheer exhaustion.

Liam was exhausted as well and his arm was throbbing painfully, but he had no time for sleeping. He had some business he needed to tend to.

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