Chapter Thirty-one

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Chapter Thirty-One

A week came and went quickly. Emma no longer wandered through town alone. Liam had come with her the first time and he'd watched over her like a hawk—which had actually caused her to feel more tense. Liam now seemed fairly content in knowing that she always made sure that Cassandra, Lauren or Anita were with her. The fear was beginning to fade as Emma had made three trips to town without ever seeing her father again.

Maybe he wasn't following her. Maybe it had only been chance that they'd bumped into each other and his temper had gotten the better of him.

Emma still hadn't told Liam about the babe but she knew today was the day to do that. She had a good meal cooked, a pie baked and was waiting on him to get home from checking a few of his traps.

She hated that she'd waited so long before telling Liam but she had wanted some of the tension, fear and anger to fade. She hadn't wanted those feelings to tarnish a moment that should be perfect, happy and joyous.

Liam's footsteps on the porch announced his arrival. Emma could tell by the heavy falls that he was upset.

Something must have happened while he'd been gone.

Her heart fell. She had wanted Liam to be in a good mood when she told him about their child!

Liam threw open the door, yanked off his hat, tossed it onto the sofa and jerked his gun belt from his hips before hanging it by the door. His face was red and his jaw was tight.

Then he glanced toward the kitchen and his gaze fell on her. Emma saw saw his shoulders relax as he strode toward her and pulled her into a warm hug.

"Damn woman, coming home to you makes even a hell of a day seem like heaven."

Her heart warmed at the loving words. She glanced up at him after he'd released her. "What happened?"

Liam sighed as he flopped himself down in a kitchen table. "Nothing important."


Rubbing at his neck, Liam shook his head. "I'd rather just get to eating this supper. Is that venison steak I smell?"

"Yes, but I want to know what had you storming into the house that way."

Emma began making Liam's plate and he grumbled. "A few of my traps were destroyed."

"Destroyed how?" Emma asked, her hand pausing in the air as she reached for the potato spoon. "Animals?"

Liam snorted. "No, it wasn't animals. Someone up there destroyed them."

Emma knew who that someone had been. She didn't need to say it and neither did Liam. She finished making his plate and sat it down in front of him. "Thank you, love. This looks good. I'm starving. Sit down. Eat with me."

Emma remained standing and chewed at her lip. She didn't want to wait any longer to tell Liam—even if the moment wasn't the perfect one she had imagined.

"I actually have something I wanted to tell you," she began.

Liam put his fork down and turned in the chair to face her. "What's wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong. I.. I have some news."

She was trembling with a combination of nerves and excitement as Liam studied her curiously. "What in the world is it?"

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