Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Nerves were already eating their way through Liam's stomach, and, it was only dawn. He still had a good eight hours to kill before he needed to head to town to pick up Emma.

....and already that woman was all he could think about.

Hell, she was all he'd thought about since he'd found her in his barn.

Liam ran his hand over Honey's mane and let out a long breath. "I'm thinking of asking Emma to become a more permanent fixture around here tonight."

He was surprised to find his hands were shaking. "Hell, I ain't never been so nervous in all my life. I miss the days when I didn't need anybody."

Misty let out a short whiney behind him. Liam smiled. "Yeah, I think she's worth it too."

Liam went about grooming and tending the animals in an effort to pass the time and occupy his mind. His chores were interrupted by the sound of an approaching horse.

Who would be riding out? Kyle and Chase had visited yesterday and Liam never got many other visitors. Unless Emma had decided to come out again.

The smile on Liam's lips quickly vanished when he stepped out of the barn and realized who his visitor was. A man he hadn't seen in four years....

Four peaceful years.

The bastard who had helped create him.

His father.

"Hello there, Liam."

Liam growled and yanked off his gloves. "Why are you here?"

Patrick let out a chuckle as he slid from the saddle. "Still don't waste time on pleasantries I see."

Liam merely shrugged.

Patrick had aged ten years in the last four. Hair that had once been as dark as Liam's was now more gray than black. His suntanned face looked like cracked leather and his body seemed crooked and weathered.

He was no longer the straight, solid, strong mountain man who had caused his wife's death with his lack of care and neglect....

"I was hoping we could talk, son."

Liam shook his head. "Not today."

His father had never been a real father and Liam had spent much of his life hating him. Now he couldn't manage to care enough to manage hate.

He felt indifferent about the man before him—and Liam could hardly be bothered talking to those he liked.

Patrick seemed undeterred. "I want to have a talk with my son."

Liam clenched his fists. Maybe if he gave the man what he wanted, he'd disappear for another four years. With a growl, Liam strode toward the cabin and motioned for Patrick to follow him.

He threw some wood on the dying fire and took a seat at the kitchen table. "What do you want, Patrick?"

"I'm an old man, Liam. I'm thinking about settling down. It sounds better every day."

"Then go somewhere and settle."

Patrick sat down across from him and met his gaze with determination. "I'm settling down around here, Liam. I've already visited some old friends on the mountain."

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