Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Liam stared down at his wife sleeping peacefully on their bed. They'd spent the last week holed up in the cabin, making love, learning each others bodies and, somehow, he'd fallen even deeper in love with her.

Liam glanced around the cabin. It was small and cozy and it had served him just fine as a single man but he had a wife now and someday he hoped to have children—a family. They would need more than one room.

Liam mentally added that to the list of things he hoped to accomplish before winter. But for today, he planned on heading up the mountains and taking another shot at bringing home that black stallion.

He was rummaging through his wardrobe for clothes when he heard the sheets rustle on the bed. Turning his head, Liam found Emma gazing at him from her pillow. "Where are you going?" she whispered sleepily.

Liam knew she wasn't going to be happy but honesty was always best. "I'm going up on the mountain," he admitted. "There's a horse I'm hoping to find."

Just as he'd knew they would, Emma's eyes widened. "The mountain? Why do ya want to go up there?"

Liam sighed and began to tug on his buckskin trousers. "There's a horse that runs around up there. I've been after him for a while now and I'd like to catch him."

Emma bit her lip. "Ya could just stay here with me."

Liam let his gaze wander over the tempting picture she painted with that sheet all tangled around her slender body and her dark hair spilled across the pillow.

He felt his newly donned trousers tightening but he shook his head. "We've been in that bed for damn near a week, love. I have to get some things done or winter will be on us before you know it."

"Winter?" Emma huffed. "It barely summer."

Liam slid into a shirt. "Is there another reason you don't want me leaving today?"

Emma's gaze dropped to the sheet covering her. "I don't like the thought of ya up on that mountain. What if....what if something bad happens?"

Liam crossed his arms over his chest as he stared down at her. "What exactly do you think is gonna happen?"

Emma shifted upon the bed, raising up to sitting and throwing her legs over the edge. "I might be sheltered and fearful, Liam, but I'm not a complete fool. I know it was my father that shot ya. And he's up on that mountain probably looking for any chance to do it again."

Liam swallowed hard and averted his gaze. He hadn't realized that Emma knew who had shot him. They hadn't spoken about it. "There's no proof..."

Emma's snort cut him off and Liam sighed. "I'll be just fine up there, Emma. I'm not an easy man to sneak up on."

"He did it once," she reminded him.

Liam rolled his shoulder which was still tight and red. "And once is all he'll get." Liam sighed before sitting down beside her on the bed. "I won't live my life hidden in this cabin out of fear of him. I promise you I'll be just fine."

Emma was quiet a moment as she studied her hands folded on her knees. Liam wondered what she was thinking. He wasn't used to having someone question his comings and goings—He didn't care for it but he also understood that she loved him and cared. He wouldn't want her going somewhere that he felt was dangerous either.

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