Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter Thirty-Three

The celebration that Anita and several others had worked so hard on readying for the happy couples turned out to be a large gathering and dance—much like the one Emma had been kidnapped from several months before.

She was nervous to be back in the same place but she was determined to not let her own fear, or the memories of her father ruin the evening of what had been a perfect day.

Or nearly perfect.

All day long, Emma had felt something was missing—and that something was her mother. Emma tried not to think of her too often but she had been today....

She couldn't help but wonder who her mother would have been if she'd been strong enough to escape her abusive husband. Would she have loved to laugh? Would she have gotten along with the new friends and family that Emma had found.

Would she have smiled as she'd watched Emma walk down the aisle and speak her vows to Liam?

"Are you okay?" Liam's warm voice breathed into her ear as he came up behind her and wrapped his arm around her middle.

"I'm fine," she replied, leaning into his touch.

Liam sighed. "Something isn't fine. You've been quiet since we got here. Are you ready to go home? Are you sick?"

Emma shook her head as she searched the crowd for her friends and smiled. Lauren was dancing with William—and refusing to let the boy lead. Cassandra was teaching Anita and Ben a country 'stomp' dance as she referred to it, and Kyle and Chase were deep in conversation in a back corner, sharing a heaping plate of food from the refreshments table.

"Today has been wonderful, Liam," Emma assured him, not wanting him to feel as if she weren't happy. "I'm missing my mother—this baby has my emotions acting up."

Liam turned her around and put his hands on her cheeks. "You're allowed to miss you mother, Emma. You should miss her. You loved her and she loved you. I miss mine too, especially on days like today. But they were here with us, I know they were."

Emma smiled up at her husband. Such a kind, warm and caring man was hidden beneath that quiet, stoic exterior.

Liam tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "Now how about we go learn the 'stomp' dance?"

Emma's brow wrinkled. "You're going to dance?"

Liam shrugged. "Sure. Why not?"

Emma fell even more in love with Liam as he led her to Cassandra, Ben and Anita and awkwardly began attempting to stomp and dance in time with the music. She knew Liam must have felt out of place and uncomfortable but she also knew he was doing what he was doing to put a smile on her face.

And it worked.

After a long while, Emma called a stop to their dancing. She felt overheated and needed a drink. Liam led her toward the refreshment table and as he was getting her a glass of lemonade, a familiar flash of red hair suddenly came between them.

"Hello Liam," Bethany's voice purred.

Emma couldn't believe her eyes! Bethany certainly had a lot of nerve showing up at the party.

Liam's jaw tightened as he looked down at Bethany. "Hello. My wife and I are enjoying our evening together. I'd appreciate if you'd keep your distance."

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