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Christmas Day

One Year Later

"Chase, don't you think you oughta take it easy on the food?" Kyle scolded as Chase dug into his fourth plate of turkey. "You've almost eaten one whole bird yourself."

Emma patted Chase on the head as she passed behind him on her way to the sofa. "That's why I made two."

"You shouldn't encourage him," Kyle warned.

Emma simply smiled as she walked to the sofa and sat down beside Liam. Liam was watching his father as Patrick bounced their daughter on his knee.

"We're gonna trot to town," Patrick cooed as Amelia squealed with glee.

"If she vomits, you get to clean the mess," Anita warned, though the smile on her face made it clear she loved watching Amelia having so much fun.

After several more giggle-filled moments of trotting, Patrick heaved out a sigh and let his knee come to a stop. "Papaw has to have a break, little one. You've just about killed the horse."

Anita swooped in and scooped the girl up. "Come on over here then, girlie and we'll talk a while."

Amelia let out an angry grumble and reached her chubby fists toward Patrick. "I believe she's trying to say papaw," Patrick stated.

"No, she's not," Liam countered. "If she's going to say anything it's dada."

"Sorry to disappoint everyone but she already said my name," Chase spoke through a mouthful of turkey and potatoes.

"No she didn't," Anita scoffed.

Chase's brow furrowed. "Yeah she did," he countered indignantly. "She looked right at me and said, 'Uncle Chase'."

Kyle shook his head as he glanced up from the book he was reading. "That was a burp, Chase. The girl had gas."

Chase stuck his tongue out at the other man and tossed a bean at him. Kyle plucked the bean off his shirt and plopped it in his mouth before turning his attention back to the book in his hands.

The discussion was interrupted by footsteps on the porch. The door opened, bringing in the cold December air with it. "It's colder than a hog's rump out there!" Cassandra declared, shaking snow from her wild hair.

Ben took her coat from her shoulders and kissed her red cheek. "Go stand by the stove and get warm," he urged.

Cassandra put her hands on her large swollen belly and did just that.

"Where's Lauren? I thought she was coming out with you?" Emma asked as she joined Cassandra by the fire.

"She's at her fella's house for Christmas. He invited her over. I believe Anita's gonna have one less girl in a year or two. William seems bound and determined to marry our Lauren."

Anita waved her free hand, while Amelia tugged at her necklace. "I don't worry about Lauren. That girl is more than capable of taking of herself. And, if William is brave enough to spend his life with her, then she could definitely do worse."

The cabin was filled with laughter and conversation and Emma loved it. She loved the quiet that usually filled it as well, but, every now and then, it was nice to have everyone together this way.

She had her husband, their daughter and family and friends that she knew she could count on for anything.

Life was truly more wonderful than she ever could have imagined it would be.

And it was about to get better.

After the festivities wound down and everyone left, Emma and Liam put Amelia down to sleep before settling down on the sofa to stare into the fire.

Emma chewed on her lip as she wondered how to tell Liam what she'd only learned for herself two days before.

Liam's chest rumbled beneath her head. He put his finger under her chin and tilted her head up so he could look into her eyes. "When are you gonna get around to tell me we're going to have another babe? I've been waiting but you're keeping the news about our son to yourself."

Emma smiled, feeling her heart swell with joy. "A son, huh? Are you sure you want to start saying that already? I believe I'm the one who got it right last time."

Liam shrugged. "I figure if I keep saying boy eventually I'll be right."

Emma kissed him lightly. "So, you're happy?"

"Hell, woman, I'm more than happy. This family is my world. You know that."

Emma nestled herself against his chest once more, loving the sound of his heart beating beneath her ear. She took his hand in hers and threaded her fingers around his. "You're wrong again though," she warned.

Liam kissed her hair. "Am I?"


"Girl again?"

"Nope." Emma smiled. "This time it's twins." 

A/N: We've reached the end of "Love Her Softly". Thank you all so much for reading and supporting me while I wrote this! Know that sometimes i made you wait too long for chapters (a week or longer at times), but i really really am happy and grateful for those of you who stuck it out! Considering that 'Fallen Angel' only has 17 parts and this is part 40 of 'Love her Softly', I'd have to say I succeeded in fleshing the story out! Once again, thank you all. You rock. I love y'all! 


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