Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Liam felt relief flow through him as he shoved his money into his pocket. He'd made a tiny fortune for just one month of work and it would ensure that he wouldn't have to spend quite as much time trapping for a while.

Liam wanted to have plenty of free time as he truly learned about his wife and married life.

And damn was he ready to get home to Emma—if Emma was still there. After the way they'd parted he didn't know if she would still be around or if she'd tell him to go to hell and not want to see him again.


"You want to head to the saloon with me for a night or two before you head back?" Nathan asked, hopping into his saddle.

Liam was quick to shake his head. "No."

Nathan chuckled. "In a hurry to get back to that woman of yours you've been pining after the last few weeks?"

Liam simply shrugged and swiped at his brow with his bandana. "Thanks for the job, Nathan."

"In about three months I'll be making another run. I've gotta take a herd up over the mountains and deliver them to a base out west. You want in on that one?"

"How long?"

"It'll probably take a good three or four months is my guess."

"No, I don't reckon I want to be away from home for that long," Liam declined. Hell he was going crazy enough after only about a month without Emma. He couldn't imagine what three or four times that would feel like.

"Alright then, Liam. Good luck with the married life. I think I'd rather take a bullet to the leg."

Liam merely tipped his head and the men parted ways. There had been a time not long ago when Liam would have agreed with Nathan, but that had been before Emma. Now it was time to go home and make things right with her.

If he rode hard, and he knew that Honey could handle a quick pace, Liam could make it home in about three days. Three days and he'd be holding Emma in his arms.

The journey wasn't as long as it felt... anticipation had made every mile feel like ten. But now he was close.. just a few miles from town where he would check in at Anita's to ensure that Emma hadn't been staying there, and then he'd head home.

The day was beautiful and Liam was enjoying the warmth of the sun on his face when the peace was suddenly shattered by the echo of a gunshot.

A bullet tore through Liam's shoulder from the back, ripping through the front of his shirt upon exit and slamming him from his saddle.

Liam went for his gun but as he collided with the ground, his head struck sharply against a rock and the world began to spin. Liam tried hard to hold onto consciousness but it was no use—his world quickly went black.


Moaning, Liam returned to consciousness, only to be greeted by darkness. It was night.

His body was weak and sluggish and his shirt, as well as the dirt beneath him, were soaked in blood. As Liam rose to sit, his head swam and he quickly vomited into the grass beside him.

Who the hell had shot him? Liam didn't have enemies.....

Except for one.

Silas Hawke.

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