Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

The moment Liam had agreed to take Emma to the dance, time had slowed to a crawl. Only one day had passed and four more needed to pass before the day of the dance but Emma wanted to see Liam now.

He had said he wanted another pie and she just happened to have a freshly baked one in the kitchen.... Walking to Liam's cabin would take a few hours but it was still early and the day was already unseasonably warm. Emma was used to walking and she would enjoy doing so today.

Sliding into her new blue chambray dress that Ms. Anta had somehow managed to salvage, Emma checked her reflection in the mirror. She had been away from her father for a week and a half and the already she could see a difference.

She had a healthier glow to her pale skin and the dark circles around her blue eyes were gone. Regular meals had her body slowly beginning to fill out as well.

Emma wondered if Liam liked the changes in her.

She smiled as she recalled their kiss the day before. Never had she known a kiss to her lips could seem to reach clear to her heart. Emma had never seen tenderness or gentle love between a man and a woman.

She paused. Did she love Liam? Did he love her? Emma didn't know but she was eager to find out—to learn more about the good side of life.

Emma pulled on her new ankle boots Anita had gotten her and slipped into her threadbare coat. Thankfully, she was able to get her pie and slip unnoticed from the house. If someone had seen her, they probably would have insisted on coming along and Emma didn't want that.

Liam seemed to like privacy and he was more open with her when others weren't around.

The walk was a long one but to Emma it felt good to leave town behind and breathe the open air.

Nerves attacked her stomach when she saw the chimney smoke. She nearly ran the other way when Liam's cabin and barn came into view. What if Liam wouldn't want her there? What if he would be angry by her bothering him at home?

Emma forced that fear down and swallowed hard. Liam had said she was special. He had said she meant a lot to him. He had kissed her.... A smile curved her lips at the memory. Surely he'd be happy she had come for a visit.

Emma started toward the house until she heard a voice in the barn. Did he have company? Emma shifted the basket to her other arm. She hoped she wasn't interrupting anything important.

"Liam?" she called hesitantly.

Liam's head popped out of the barn. "Emma?" A surprised smile lit up his face, highlight his rugged features and stealing Emma's breath. He was dirty and it was clear he'd been working.

Emma chewed her lip. "I hope I'm not interruptin'. I heard ya talkin'..."

Liam shook his head. "You'd never be interrupting anything. I like your company better than anyone else's I'd be talking to." He shrugged. "I was just chatting with the horses."

Emma felt as if her heart were going to soar right out of her chest. How had this happened? How had such a kind and gentle man fallen for a mountain hick like her?

Emma hadn't even known that men like Liam existed.

He made his way to her and Emma's heart raced when he pressed a tender kiss to her hair. As he pulled away, he glanced around and Liam's smile became a frown. "How did you get here?"

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