iv. the princess

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"Those who are of royal blood stick to those with royal blood. Those whose blood is of peasants should stay with those of their kind."


The Carriages. They arrived the day after Erudessa killed the Elder. There was no surprise when Princess Calia stepped down from one that about twenty of her servants came from the others. She would be staying in the castle until the marriage in less than a month. Four weeks to be precise. They would marry the day before Rowe's coronation so she could be crowned as queen alongside him.

     Erudessa watched Rowe help Calia out of her carriage from her balcony. The events of the night before were still fresh in her mind, and Grimm was refusing to talk to her. She wouldn't have a chance to read anything the Elder had given her until after King Eben had looked at the scrolls she had delivered after she finished the assignment. She ran her thumb over the scar on her back. It was still new, and when she pulled her hand away, she wasn't surprised to find blood on her finger.

     King Eben's study had been empty last night when she put the scrolls on his desk, and she took that as an advantage to switch out the scrolls Adan had delivered with ones the Elder requested she placed in their stead. It was his plan to keep the contents of the original scrolls away from the king's eyes. Now that Erudessa knew the truth about the Night Watch, she wasn't sure how to approach the king.

     If he couldn't trust a man who helped him keep order in a recovering world, how could he trust his Assassin? Maybe it was all about the power. King Eben wanted to be in total control, but he had caught wind that there was a secret society dedicated to making sure he didn't have full power. Then, he learned it was connected to the Elder, and thinking he was their leader, wanted to get rid of the source. Unfortunately for him, Grimm was the leader. And even more, Erudessa was now a member.

     Hopefully, the wedding preparation would keep King Eben's mind off of the scrolls and from giving her anymore assignments. Killing the Elder had drained her, and she needed to focus on earning Grimm's trust. She wouldn't be able to do that if she was gone. It was doubtful Grimm would want to talk to her anytime soon. Maybe he would even keep his promise from the day before. She hoped not.

     As Rowe, Calia, and her twenty servants went into the castle, Erudessa heard a knock on her door. She walked around her room and opened to door. Nestariel was on the other side with a fake smile. It took Erudessa no time at all to figure out why the expression was so forced. Nestariel wasn't a fan of Princess Calia either.

     "So, have you met Her Royal Highness yet?" Erudessa teased as Nestariel walked in.

     "Oh gods, no! I came here to escape that. You're so lucky my father isn't making you greet her," Nestariel sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Did you see all the servants she brought? Apparently, she couldn't bear to leave them behind!"

     Erudessa sat beside her with a sympathetic smile. "It's a pity poor Rowe is going to be stuck with him for the rest of his life. How is he taking to her?"

     Nestariel rolled her eyes. "He's treating her like a gift to the kingdom from the gods. Seriously, he is just adding to her bratty attitude."

     Erudessa gazed at the floor, frowning. She remembered when she was treated that way. It made their love worth it. The long days spent away from each other. If they got to see each other for just a few seconds, it all seemed worth it. Now, she couldn't even stand to look at him unless it was from a far distance. How had life changed so much? It felt like yesterday they were just two children running around in the gardens.

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