Chapter 18 - The Meeting

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"You shall attend the Meeting. One that will decide the fate of the Prince of Arvellon and his place while he stays in our kingdom. You shall sit and observe. Only observe."


The Hall.
It was huge and ornate. A large window lined one wall letting in the sunlight from outside. Columns separate the main floor from where the council sat. At the far end below the window, Edwin sat like a prisoner awaiting judgement. As Erudessa and Brynn came in after the council of Scholar, Erudessa almost made a break for Edwin, but Brynn held her back.

"We are here to observe. Don't get involved."

She stepped in line beside him, crossing her arms. They sat in chairs beside the door and observed the meeting. Maybe Grimm had sent her on this mission as punishment for spending time with Edwin. It was obvious he didn't like her spending time with him. Sending her on a mission to sit in on a meeting about how he and his kingdom were a threat sent a big message. Sometimes she really wished she could have just killed the Elder without a problem. Then she wouldn't be in this situation. But things would definitely be different then. Maybe more than she could want.

The morning light that came in through the window lit up in room with a golden glow. Erudessa felt it warm her face, but it seemed to bother Edwin. He sat as far forward in his seat as possible, trying to hide himself in the shadow of the back of his chair. An annoyed expression was plastered on his face. No one on the Council of Scholars looked pleased with him. Edwin caught one's eyes and sat back in his seat, taking a relaxing breath. Then, his eyes came to rest on Erudessa which brought a smile to his face. She smiled back encouragingly.

The Head Scholar stood from his seat close to Edwin. "We have gathered today to discuss matters having to due with our honored guest, Prince Edwin of Arvellon. His kingdom poses a great threat to Raecasta because of the influence he seemed to be having. According to His Majesty King Rowe, Prince Edwin has won the support of the people in a greater way than our king. The people seem to just naturally love him. But, it isn't just the people. Another honored guest in the room has taken a great liking to him according the our king. Someone our king had loved greatly and who he believed would be his wife at a time. Our former king's Assassin, Erudessa Drakon."

All eyes traveled to the back of the room where Erudessa sat. But the only eyes she cared about were Edwin's. His expression had changed. He looked betrayed. She had never told him about her relationship with Rowe. The only person who knew she had ever been close to him was Grimm, and that would probably end up being a mistake. She didn't like how Edwin was looking at her, but it wasn't like he should have known. When was she supposed to tell him that she almost married Rowe? It doesn't just come up in a normal  conversation.

The whole room had fallen dead silent. Erudessa felt panic raising in her throat as butterflies thrashed about violently in her stomach. It felt as though they were all staring into her soul, judging everything she had done in her life. If she was being judged on everything she had done, she wouldn't be sitting here. Her head would be on a chopping block. Suddenly, she realized they probably wanted her to say something or do something. There was only one thing she could do despite the possibility they would all glare at her afterward.

Standing up, she raised her hand and waved. "Hello." Then, she sat back down.

The silence lasted a few second before Edwin burst into laughter, and all the attention was directed back at him. Erudessa felt the fear and panic disappear, and a smile tugged at her lips. She met Edwin's gaze as his laughter died down. He smiled at her. 

"They are close. There is no doubt about that," Scholar Edgar, who was sitting beside the Head Scholar, said. "It could benefit Raecasta."

The Head Scholar looked at Edgar and took a seat. "Would you care to explain, Scholar Edgar?"

The Night Watch | The Nocturnal Chronicles {Book One} Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora