Chapter 20 - The Return

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"After a long trip, the best thing to do is return home."


The Dream.
It remained in her mind for the next few days. She decided not to tell Edwin about it since it wasn't really relevant to him. They had talked since the first day on the road, but not about anything concerning anything important. Just the weather and how long it would take to get back. Erudessa couldn't help but feel like he was keeping something from her. Something she needed to know.

They were less than a day's ride from the city. It seemed like their time would be cut down when they got back, and Erudessa really wanted more time to figure everything out. She didn't want Edwin to think things would be different because of what the Scholars wanted. She owed no duty to Raecasta, and certainly not to Rowe who had taken everything from her. He needed to know that she wasn't doing anything for her kingdom, but for herself to see if she could be happy with him.

The trees were all bare at this point. It was finally winter, and snow would soon be on its way. As was the way of the world. The sky was light grey with clouds. Small pockets of blue peeped through. The colors of the world were dull, compared to the warmer seasons when they were all vibrant. Erudessa liked it this way though. There was something nice about the cold wind and dull color. The world was resting. She felt like she could relate

Erudessa and Edwin stopped a little way into the forest to rest for a moment. They would make it into the city before the end of the day. Their horses drank from a small stream while they had their own lunch. Just some bread and cheese. Erudessa had gotten used to these small kind of meals, but Edwin had always had a growling stomach afterwards.

"What happens when we get back?" Edwin asked after finishing his food. He looked at her with a face of worry.

She met his eyes and shrugged. "Things go back to normal. We hang out and see what happens. Nothing has really changed just a deadline. The only thing that has changed is what happened after I give you my answer."

"You have any idea what that answer is going to be yet?" He asked.

She shook her head. "No. We've know each other for longer now, but my last relationship-"

"With King Rowe?"

"Yes, with King Rowe. It didn't end well," She sighed, looking at her feet. "It ended because I either had to marry him or lose him to someone else. I loved him, but I just couldn't marry him. I couldn't marry someone when I was who I was. I was the Assassin then. The first thing I was taught was that love is weakness. I vowed to never get attached, and I broke that vow. I didn't want to marry Rowe because I was being pressured into it and I wasn't the kind of person I wanted to be at the time."

"What about now?"

She sighed again and met his eyes. "Now? I have no idea who I am or who I want to be. All I know is that I'm not ready for that kind of commitment, but I want to see how things work between us. I like you a lot, Edwin. I'm prepared to see where this will go."

He smiled. "So am I."

After Erudessa finished eating, they got back on their horses and onto the road. There rarely seemed to be anyone traveling which wasn't unusual this time of year. But, as they rode, someone, a girl slumped over on the back of a strikingly white horse, came out of nowhere, riding fast. There no way it would stop in time, so Erudessa and Edwin moved out of the way, but Erudessa couldn't let the horse pass by without helping.

She swung her leg over so both were on one side and jumped onto the horse as it came by. As quickly as she could managed, she grabbed onto the reins and pulled back hard. The horse slowed to a stop, snorting angrily, but it complied as she directed it back over to where Edwin was waiting. She stopped beside him, and picked the girl up in her arms, adjusting her so she could see her face.

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