Chapter 12 - The Coronation

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"As we gather to celebrate the crowning of a new king, we must first remember that it takes true wisdom and courage to do the job. Let us hope our King understands this."


The Ceremony.
It started shortly after they arrived. All of the court had gathered close to the throne as delegates from the cities and town stood behind them. The Royal Family, including Calia, stood on either side of the throne. Visitors from foreign lands, including Edwin and Erudessa, stood behind the delegates. They few left behind them were a group of select nobles and their families. As the ceremony started, all heads turned to walk Rowe process in.

He wore his best suit and a long burgundy cape lined with wolf's fur. His hair was brushed neatly and their was a desire in his eyes. The only off from his appearance was the dark circles under his eyes. They weren't very prominent and were probably easily overlooked by everyone else, but Erudessa knew Rowe. She had studied every detail of his face time and time again. He was never tired. She should have seen in when she was in his study. Rowe was more power hungry than she thought. He had gotten a taste, and he was hooked.

Power was like a drug. It consumes a person when they get a taste of it, and they are always hungry for more. Someone will stay awake all night looking for ways to get more of it. Rowe was past the point of no return. He earned for the power than this Coronation would give him. Once that crown was on his head, there was no going back. He would have the power to send his armies to conquer the world, sending thousands to their death. And Erudessa was powerless to stop him.

As he walked by, their eyes met. She met his power-hungry gaze with a look of pure despair. It caused a crack in his expression. For a split second, he held the same expression of despair. Their minds and hearts were one in that moment. As they would be for the last time, lost and saddened. This was no longer the Rowe she loved, but a power-hungry king who wanted nothing more than to conquer all of the Realms.

Rowe got up and stood in front of the throne. Then, he turned and faced the crowd. One of the Sanctum Scholars came forward with the Great Book, a book containing all the secrets of the kingdom. Every king had to swear an oath with their hand on the book. An oath Erudessa knew Rowe wouldn't keep. An oath the Night Watch ensured. An oath she would have to ensure.

"Rowe Casta, do you swear to always treat every one of your subjects with respect? To keep the kingdom protected? To never abuse your power? To always feed your people first? Do you swear upon the Great Book to do things for the good of the kingdom, not for the good of yourself?" The Scholar asked, holding the book out to Rowe.

Rowe placed right hand on the book. "I, Rowe Casta, swear on the Great Book to always treat every one of my subjects with respect, to keep the kingdom protected, to never abuse my power, to always feed my people first, and I swear upon the Great Book to always do things for the good of the kingdom, not for the good of myself." As he finished, he made eye contact with Erudessa for a split second.

She knew the look to well. It was a look of knowing, a look of betrayal. Whether it was because he knew she was with the Night Watch or because he knew she knew he wouldn't keep the oath, she didn't know for sure. She supposed it was the latter.

"Then, I, Henrick Fallow, crowned thee, Rowe Casta, as King of the Great Kingdom of Raecasta. May your reign be long and prosperous," The Scholar said, placing the crown on Rowe's head and handing him his scepter.

The crowd clapped, and Erudessa had to force herself to clap along. She didn't want to raise any suspicion. Rowe's eyes didn't leave her, and a chill ran down her spine. What is he planning? she wondered. They moved into the Feast Hall afterward. There was dancing and food. People were going up and congratulating Rowe on becoming King like it was a big accomplishment. The last king died and they needed a new one. There was nothing great about becoming king. All he got was a target on his back.

The Night Watch | The Nocturnal Chronicles {Book One} Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin