Chapter 15 - The Misson

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"A mission is the best way to test your strengths while also accomplishing a goal that will benefit us all. This is your first real mission, make it count."


The Sky.
Erudessa could barely make it out through the trees. They were burning with the colors of autumn, and the pale blue sky barely peeked through the thinning canopy. It was surprising since autumn was coming to be coming to end in less than a month. The grass was soft against the exposed skin of her arms. Her head rested against Edwin's shoulder. Somehow, she had positioned her head in such a way where it wasn't as hard as a rock, but soft like the cushion of a worn chair. To put it simply, it wasn't as soft as a pillow, but her head didn't feel like it was against his bone.

Despite the fact it was only about an hour or so till sundown, neither Erudessa nor Edwin wanted to leave the sanctuary of the forest. It had become a special place for them. They had talked for a few hours, and they learned a lot about each other and their pasts. Even though Erudessa didn't want to expose a lot of her past with Edwin, he told her a lot about his past.

Prince Edwin of Arvellon was second-in-line to the throne behind his brother, Fredric, who didn't seem at all good at being king. His parents, King Henri and Queen Delilah, trained him hard so that if Fredric proved unsuccessful, Edwin could take his place. Edwin was just a back-up, and since they had only had Fredric and Edwin, there was no one to step in if Edwin couldn't rule either.

Erudessa had wondered why they would switch Fredric out with Edwin if he proved to be a bad king. It was Fredric's birthright to be king. Why should his skill decide whether or not he got to keep his position? That definitely not the way in Raecasta. First-in-line gets the throne. The only way they lose it is if they die.

Edwin went on to tell her that he had gotten Nocte on his tenth birthday. She was a reward for all his hard work. He was skilled in three languages at that point and knew the names of every city, town, and village in Arvellon. By thirteen, he knew the name of all the previous ruler, and despite their only being three generations before him, there were a lot of kings. In his five years of study after that, he just continued to go over everything he had learned, would practice his languages by translating texts, and he practiced proper etiquette in everyday life.

His parents were very happy with him and his abilities. Fredric had been proving to be quite skilled as well, but he wasn't nearly as good as Edwin. But, by birth, he got the first shot at the throne. That was one thing Erudessa could understand. Edwin wasn't especially inclined to be king though. All he had ever wanted was to have a normal life, but it was his duty to be there if his brother failed. He just wanted to be normal, and unless Fredric was gone, he would never get that chance.

In ways Erudessa couldn't describe, she understood the feeling. Her life would never be normal because of the life she had grown up living. Though she was no longer in the castle and no longer doing assassinations, everyone would remember her as the Assassin. Rowe could call upon her at any time to kill for him even. He was king, but also, she was indebted to the royal family. If they had not cared for her, she would be dead.

Life only seemed to get harder as life went on, for both of them. As Fredric's own coronation grew closer, Edwin's fate would be decided. As Rowe rose to power, Erudessa would have to make very hard decisions. If he failed to keep his oath, she knew the Night Watch would eliminate him. Not only that, but she would have to do it. She was the only one who could get close enough. She was the only one who knew what he was capable of.

Erudessa wanted to remain in the forest forever with Edwin. There problems didn't seem to matter underneath the coverage of the trees. They were free to be whoever they pleased. Maybe one day they would be free. One day, they wouldn't have to worry about their responsibilities, but they would always have the burdens of their pasts. Pasts that would never leave them alone.

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