Chapter 13 - The Confession

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"Sometimes, the hardest thing a person ever has to do is tell the the truth. Confessing their deepest, darkest secret. They put everything in the line in the hope it will all turn out all right."


The Night.
It felt like it lasted forever. Erudessa had no idea one person could cry so much, let alone herself. The weight of the fact that Rowe and her's relationship was officially over had hit her harder than she could describe. She wanted to go back to a time when shouting the fact she loved him was the only trouble in their relationship. It was so long ago, and they were so young. Now, she was faced with the crushing fact that he would never be the same.

When he was with her, he seemed completely normal. Not the power hungry king, but the loving prince. But, she wasn't allowed on the castle grounds anymore. They were never going to have moments like the one last night. He would totally become the power hungry king she had seen get crowned.

Grimm had been very comforting. He didn't ask anymore questions after she requested he just sit with her. The heat of his embrace made the coldness thaw slightly. She wished she could explain everything to him, but if she did that, Grimm wouldn't just sit quietly with her anymore. He would take matters into his own hands, and that would lead only to bad places. She was able to tell him one thing. Rowe had broken her heart, and she would never she him again. At least, not the Rowe she fell in love with.

She fell asleep crying on his shoulder. The heat of the dying fire warm on her face. When she woke up the next morning, she was alone on the couch and the fire had been revived. In the cold autumn and winter days, fire were lit constantly through the kingdom to ensure warmth, especially in the Far North were the capital was located.

Erudessa sat up and her head turned in the direction of the kitchen where Grimm was preparing breakfast. She could smell the eggs and toast. Stretching her arm and legs as well as wiping the dried tears from her cheeks, she got off the couch and headed toward the kitchen.

"Good morning," She said. Her voice was slightly hoarse from all the cry.

Grimm glanced back at her with a soft smile. "Hey, how are you doing?"

She shrugged. "I'm better. Not by much, but I'm not crying anymore. That's progress, right? Heartbreak is a new experience for me."

"Yeah, it takes a while to get over losing someone you love," He said, and his voice became distant. "Everything is perfect one moment, and then, it snaps."

Erudessa looked at her feet, but instead her eyes landed on her dress. "I'm going to go change before we eat."

Grimm nodded and she went up to her room. She changed out of the dress into more comfortable clothes and then made her way to the washroom. To wake herself up she splashed some water in her face, and then dried off with a towel. She didn't recognize the person she saw in the mirror. Only a week or two ago, she would have seen the strong and ruthless Assassin, feared by all. Now, she saw someone weak and drowning in her emotions. She braided her hair and tied it off, making her way back down the the kitchen.

Breakfast was set out on the table, and Grimm was waiting for her. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she sat down across from him. Erudessa stared down at the food and picked up her fork. Grimm did the same, but started eating. She just moved her food around absently. Her heart felt heavy in her chest. She felt weighed down by everything that was going on. It was overwhelming.

"Does it get better?" She asked, gazing at Grimm intently.

He looked up and met her gaze. First, confusion lined his face, but then there was recognition. "Reyna told about Cornelia, didn't she?"

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