Chapter 36 - The Dagger

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"This dagger. It has held me captive for nine long years. Tonight, I break from this life that has brought me so much pain. Tonight, I end it."


The Plan.
Erudessa formed it with Grimm, the only one who was going to help her kill Rowe. She had to kill him now, and that meant she was going to kill him today. Edwin and Fredric had to be back in Arvellon in a few weeks, and the journey from Raecasta to Arvellon took over a week to complete. If they were going to make back in time for Fredric's coronation, they had to leave at dusk which meant Erudessa had to kill Rowe before then.

It had been so long that she had known him that it was hard to believe it would all end before the end of the sunlight. The plan was perfect and ensured she would be in and out without anyone ever knowing. Then, she would be leaving for Arvellon before they even found out the king was dead. All she had to do was deliver Grimm to the Head Councilman, and she had her way into the castle. Once she was in, all she had to do was get into his study. He was always in his study. His father had taught him after all.

Once she was inside the study, it would be quick and painless. She just sliced his throat and used the secret passages to get back to Leno's house. No one would ever know. Anyone who did would be dead. Then, she would be done with it all. After nine painfully long years, she could cast off her dagger and leave the kingdom she had never even loved.

Erudessa sat on the couch in Grimm's living room as he packed up some things for Reyna. The fire that crackled beside her was warm against her exposed hands. She pulled her black cloak tighter around her so it would absorb the heat of the fire. Once she stepped outside, the cold winter winds would chill her to her bone.

Grimm emerged from his office with a trunk full of scrolls and leather-bound books. "Okay, I think I'm all ready. When Reyna comes back from whatever she's doing, she'll be in charge of carrying on Nocturne Specto."

"It's amazing how that started it all," Erudessa said and rose from her seat. "Just a few scrolls were able to change our lives forever."

"It feels like just yesterday you killed my grandfather," He said with a smile. "I'm really going to miss you. We had good times."

"And bad times."

"And weird times."

Erudessa couldn't help but laugh. She was really going to miss him despite the fact she had gone through almost a month without him. It didn't matter though. He was going to be dead by the end of the day most likely. So many of the people she was close to would die today. She really did bring death whenever she went. The thought put a damper on her mood.

"Well, let's go," Grimm said and grabbed his cloak. He secured it around his shoulders and walked out the front door.

Erudessa took one last long around the cottage before leaving it behind forever. She had spent a short amount of time there, and the times were bad, but she wouldn't be the same person if she had cried on the doorstep back in autumn. She would truly miss it. As she stepped out into the cold wind and closed the door behind her, she officially walked out of her last connection to Raecasta.

The climb up to the citadel was a short one, but they were stopped at the gates by two guards. Grimm drew his hood back and Erudessa repeated his action herself. She took a deep breath before addressing the guards. "We are here for the Head Councilman. I have a gift for him." She nodded her head towards Grimm.

"I don't think the Head Councilman swings that way," The one guards said, and the other elbowed him in the ribs.

"Take him to the dungeon. I supposed you remember where it is," The other guard said. His voice sounded a bit young for a guard, but his face was hidden beneath his helmet. Erudessa had to bite down on the tongue when she realized why they was.

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