Chapter 4. A Total Disaster

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"I'm sorry, we're doing what with Isaac?" I asked as I watched Derek and Scott start to dump bags of ice into a thin metal tub that was filled with water. Apparently Isaac had found Erica and Boyd, but he couldn't remember. I honestly have no idea how putting him in this ice cold water is going to do anything to help, but Deaton know's his shit so I'm not gonna question it. Even though, I technically just did.

Derek sighed, "Do you always have to ask questions? Just put the ice in the water."

I placed my hands on my hips as I narrowed my eyes at him, "Excuse you, I don't always ask questions. Just when I'm confused, or the situation doesn't make any sense. If you want to point out irritating qualities, I have about a thousand for you buddy."

The sound of elastic slapping against skin echoed through the room, and I turned around to find my boyfriend playing with a long surgical glove. He had his hand inside of it and had released it so it slapped against his forearm, the large grin of amusement on his face was too adorable for words. Stiles then turned his head slowly as he looked at us all awkwardly, "What?" 

Derek narrowed his eyes further, if that was possible, and Stiles took the hint that he was acting a bit annoying- well to the alpha at least. My boyfriend then dramatically ripped the glove off of his hand and stomped over to the tub of water. Isaac was crouched down on the side as he glanced at the ice water wearily, I don't really know what exactly he's supposed to do in the water... but it probably won't be too pleasant.

"What is the ice for?" I asked Deaton.

"The water has to be cold enough to slow his heart rate down," He explained.

I nodded as I dipped my finger in the water, instantly it went numb so I jerked it out and wiped the frigid liquid on my jeans. "Jesus! How cold does it have to be?" 

"Cold enough to nearly stop his heart rate." He said with a small smile. 

Oh. Oh wow. So, Isaac is getting into a tub of freezing cold water to slow his heart rate down until he is about to die? That sounds totally safe, like one hundred percent. I mean, it's not like anything could possibly go wrong with him being a few heartbeats away from death. Literally. 

"If it feels too risky, you don't have to do this." Derek said to Isaac as he gripped on to the edge of the tub. My brother nodded in agreement, he obviously doesn't want anything to happen to Isaac. To be honest, I don't either. I actually like him. 

Isaac was silent as he pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the floor, he then gripped the sides of the tub as he stepped into the freezing water. Deaton then glanced at Stiles and myself, "Stiles, she needs to be out of the room and distracted for this next part."

My eyes widened slightly, "Why? What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing at all. It will just be a lot safer for you if you weren't in here for when he gets pushed under." He assured me. 

I glanced at Isaac as he got ready to sit down in the water, and then looked back to Deaton, "Why?"

He sighed outwardly, "I'm afraid when you see him struggle- you may accidentally link yourself with him, and it won't be safe for you to be in that sort of state while your heart is beating that quickly."

Stiles nodded, "Well that's all I needed to hear, let's go." He then grabbed my hand and tugged me out of the room. He led me to the back storage room, where several bags of bird seed were placed on the floor, and shelves upon shelves were stocked with pet necessities. He closed the door before releasing my hand, leaving me wanting to snatch it back up quickly. 

"Maybe I should become a nun." I muttered as I sat down on a bag of bird seed. Stiles chuckled as he sat down beside me, "Why do you say that?"

"Well nuns are locked away, right? If I'm locked away I can't accidentally connect myself to another person and almost die from it." I explained as I rested my head against the wall. This whole connecting or linking thing is starting to confuse the hell out of me. I honestly don't even know how to do it, it just happens. It happened a lot this summer, and it really freaked me out. 

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