Chapter 28. Who Needs Instructions?

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"He said they would meet us here," Lydia stated as Scott pushed open the door to Derek's vacant loft.

This place has been a ghost town since Jennifer bit the dust, and Derek is still MIA so the loft has just been kind of empty and useless. When I had said that it wasn't true that not a single person has seen either of the twins in weeks, I had meant that good ole Lydia Martin still had Aiden's number and he sent her text messages on a daily basis. When I told her that we needed to meet with them, she reluctantly agreed to text him for us.

I glanced around for either of the twins, but they were nowhere to be seen. The place was barren and to be honest, it was kind of bringing back terrible nostalgia. The last time I was in here was the night that Jennifer had tried to kill Lydia and myself and then she ran her Darach ass over here to try and convince Derek that we were the ones lying to him.

"Well are they-"

My sentence was cut short due to Scott's body flying forward and nearly knocking me over. Thank God Stiles had a grip on my hand and he jerked me out of the way just in time. My eyes fearfully darted behind me to see Ethan and Aiden standing by the slightly open door, Scott was on his hands and knees a few feet in front of them.

Stiles grabbed a hold of Lydia's arm and pulled us both away from the twins as they grabbed Scott, Ethan restrained him while Aiden repeatedly hit him in his core. I winced and buried my face in Stiles' chest, not wanting to watch my brother get the leaving shit beat out of him. Obviously they were doing this for a reason, but the fact still remains that at any moment I could connect myself to Scott and end up taking this beating as well, which I would like to avoid if I can.

Aiden shoved Scott to the ground and his body hit the cement with a heavy thud. "I thought you guys were gonna teach me to roar," Scott groaned, his body now in the fetal position.

"We are. You do it by giving in," Aiden snapped violently.

Ethan sighed as he glanced at his brother, "Giving in and letting go. That's how Deucalion taught us control."

I watched helplessly as Ethan grabbed a hold of my brother's shirt and jerked him off the ground.

Stiles watched in amusement, "Hey, you know that's funny. I've actually tried something like this one time using a heart monitor and lacrosse balls, but you're right beating the living crap out of him is probably a lot better."

The little exercise that Stiles was talking about vaguely registered in my mind. I remember them both talking about it at lunch, but I wasn't actually with them when they went out in did it. That was on the day that Stiles asked me to be his girlfriend and I not-so-subtly dropped the bomb on Scott by carelessly kissing Stiles in front of him.

"That's actually the plan? You kick my ass?" Scott asked in confusion as he wearily glanced at the twins. The blood that was smeared around his mouth was making me uneasy, giving way to the thoughts of Stiles looking like that in my nightmares.

Aiden nodded sharply, "You're afraid to turn. We're going to make you."

"You turn, and then you kick our asses," Ethan smiled. Why did he seem so excited to have his ass kicked by my brother?

"And then you roar," Aiden stated before dramatically flashing his new bright blue wolf eyes and roaring, just to prove a point. I rolled my eyes, apparently Derek and Isaac aren't the only ones who like to be dramatic when wolfing out.

"You don't think you can let go with us? You think you're gonna hurt us? Come on McCall, give it your all! We can always heal," Ethan taunted as he began to shove Scott around with Aiden roughly.

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