Chapter 33. The Diagnosis

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"Is she okay?"


"I shouldn't have left, I-I didn't think anything would have happened, God I'm so stupid."

Recognizing two extremely familiar voices conversing around me, I slowly pulled myself out of my dreaming state. My eyes were itchy and my throat was dry, to be honest I don't remember much before I hit the ground. I think I hit the ground, that would explain why my body is sore.

I pushed myself up on my elbows and glanced around my bedroom in confusion, why am I in my bedroom? Who brought me home? Images of flashing lights and bright pink lipstick being smeared across the back of my hand. I was dizzy, my equilibrium felt off and I blinked rapidly as I tried to correct it.

I cleared my throat to let Stiles and my mom know that I was coherent and that their conversation about me needed to end. Stiles' head whipped to the side and he sprung to my side, "I'm so sorry, I didn't know that... are you okay? You hit your head pretty hard." he rushed out as he brushed my hair away from my forehead, his fingertips danced across a small bump and I winced slightly.

"I'm fine," I assured him.

My mom bit her lip and took a step closer towards me, "Sweetheart, do you remember anything? Anything at all?"

"Not really.. I guess I passed out?" I shrugged, but the shrug didn't really look like a shrug considering I was relying more on my pillows for support than I should be.

Stiles and my mom glanced at each other uneasily and I could tell that I was missing something. I didn't need my ability for this. I don't know what I said or did last night that set off little warning flags for my mom, but her Nurse Eyes were raking me in right now.

I swallowed thickly, "What did I..." my voice fell flat and my hands began to shake. I hate not having control over myself like this.

"You were talking about eliminating the threat..." my mom said quietly, "it didn't make much sense and then you started rambling in Japanese and I didn't know what to do. I gave you some Midalozam and you've been out ever since."

I have absolutely no idea what she was talking about, but I don't doubt her. I have no idea what the threat that I'm trying to eliminate is, nor do I know how I was speaking in Japanese.

My mom shot a look at my on-edge boyfriend, "Stiles... honey, why don't you head on over to the school?"

"What?" he reeled back in confusion, "Melissa I can't just leave her-"

"She's in good hands, I can assure you that much." she stated with finality. She didn't want him here. Why doesn't she want him here?

Stiles cleared his throat and slowly pushed himself off of the bed, "O-okay, yeah. She probably needs some rest, I'll uh- I have to talk to Scott anyway. I'll call you in a bit," he pressed his lips to my forehead swiftly before squeezing my shoulder and exiting my room.

"Mom-" she held her hand up to silence me and when I shot her a look telling her to let me get a freaking word in, she narrowed her eyes dangerously. Once the sound of the front door slamming echoed around the house, she let out a sigh.

"You said that it was Stiles," she breathed out.

If it were at all possible, and honestly it wouldn't surprise me if it was, the world stopped spinning. The oxygen in the room was sucked up through a vacuum and I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything other than let the words seep into my brain and deteriorate anything and everything inside of me.

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