Chapter 46. Shattered

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"What are you thinking about?" the Nogitsune asked me as he circled around me in the tunnel.

I'm thinking about everything, to be completely honest. I'm thinking about my mom, and how I didn't have a chance to tell her that I'm sorry for doing this to her. I'm thinking about Scott, and how I hate that I keep hurting him. I'm thinking of Stiles and how I wish I could take away all of these bad things that happened to him because of me. I'm thinking of my dad, and how he happened to show up at the worst possible time in my life to try and rekindle a relationship.

All of these people that I keep hurting keep trying to save me and it makes me feel terrible about myself.

"I guess you'll find out soon enough, right? Since you're going to get in my head eventually." I retorted.

He smirked, "I do appreciate the humor, Kasey. Are you thinking about your family? About how you let them all down?"

"No," I snapped. Even though that had been exactly what I had been thinking. He's able to get into my head already, and he's not even all the way in.

He chuckled, "I wouldn't worry about your parents too much."

"Why?" I asked in a panic. Is he planning on doing something to my mom? She has absolutely nothing to do with any of this, why would he start threatening her? And my dad- why would he involve my damn dad? I don't even like him that much.

His eyebrows raised in amusement, "You see, Kasey, I'm not the only person that has you fooled."

"I swear to God if this is another damn riddle-"

"No riddle," he cut me off with a stern look, "but it is a warning. You're familiar with warning people, correct?"

My hands went up to my hair and I ran them through it nervously, "What are you saying?" I asked hesitantly, not really sure if I wanted to entertain this idea that he was trying to put into my head. He could be lying- that's what he does, he lies.

He lied about Stiles' disease. He used it against him to break his spirit- to break my spirit. Maybe this is the same thing. Maybe he's using my parents against me because he knows that my dad and I have a not-so-great relationship and my mom is my guiding light.

"Do you remember that night... the night before your dad left?" he asked with a smirk.

I swallowed thickly, not letting myself get choked up over this. I do remember that night, Scott doesn't, but I do, and I always will. The resentment that has been burning inside of me for my father stems from that night.

He chuckled again, "I'll take that as a yes."

"Take that as me not believing your lies anymore," I seethed. I'm not letting him get into my head like this again. He's already done it once with saying that Stiles' is dying, he's not going to drag my father into it.

I am not going to let myself feel any remorse for that man.

"Why would I lie when the truth is so much more dangerous?" he snickered.

I closed my eyes and took a calming breath. I can't get worked up with him. I can't let myself slip and fall down that rabbit hole of anxiety and panic again. I refuse to let that happen.

"If you don't believe me, then maybe you'll believe Stiles... because he knows the truth too. Where do you think I got it from?" he mused, cocking his head to the side.

I pressed the palms of my hands against my ears. I'm not doing this. I'm not doing this again. Keep it together, Kasey. Just keep it together.

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