Chapter 16. Scott The Bulldog

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"Is this going to affect my ability... like, every time I connect myself to someone, am I going to hallucinate like that?" I asked Deaton quietly, I was now anxiously pacing around the examination table in the back office, a habit I picked up from Stiles no doubt. I can't seem to calm my heartbeat or get my thoughts to stop running around wildly. I am in no state to leave just yet, and I'm afraid if I don't calm myself down then I may have another episode, and I do not want to experience that again.

Deaton shook his head from side to side, "No. Your ability will still work normally, and you will be able to function rather normally as well, but the second you start to let that doubt and panic seep into your mind, it triggers the hallucinations."

Great. This is just great, the last thing I needed to have happen to me is yet another sort of setback. Now I can't even worry about someone without giving my stupid self access to a hallucination that causes an anxiety attack. I just wish that for once, something in my life would go according to plan.

"I'm not one hundred percent positive on this Kasey, but I also believe that certain sounds, smells, or places will also play a part in the hallucination. You said that you didn't see Stiles dying until after you heard your father's voice, which I believe was the catalyst to the entire thing." Deaton explained further as I continued to my nervous pace.

The moment he brought up Stiles my heart literally tightened in my chest, that image of him laying dead on my floor with blood seeping out of him in such large amounts will forever hold a place in my nightmares. It was quite possibly the worst thing I have ever seen in my life.

I let out a long sigh as I rubbed at my eyes, "I have the worst freaking headache. Do you have any advil? My eyes feel like they are on fire for some reason." I complained, the pain started about five minutes ago, and at first I thought it was just a symptom from my sobbing and incessant wiping of tears when I was at my house, but this was starting to get a bit ridiculous now.

"I beg your pardon? Did you say that your eyes felt as if they were on fire?" He questioned, the look he had on his face didn't settle right in my stomach. Oh god, what does that mean? Is there something wrong with my eyesight now too? Jesus.

I nodded my head slowly, "Yeah..."

"Do you see, hear, or feel anything at all? Anything unusual or unpleasant?" He inquired his eyes widening in curiosity. Okay, I don't like where this conversation is going. I wish I would have gone out to the car with Lydia when she offered five minutes ago..

I took a second to just collect myself, but I don't really feel anything or see anything. I do hear something though, it's like a hushed conversation, but I thought it was just the hum of the heater. I strained my hearing so I could try to pick up on what was being said.

"The eyes will heal, physically... but I'm afraid your sight is gone." That was Deaton's voice, I know that much, but who is he talking to and why is he talking about eyes? What happened to this person's eyes? Is that why my eyes are burning so badly right now? Oh god, what's going on?

I shook my head from side to side in disbelief, "Who lost their eyesight here? I can hear you talking to someone about it."

He smiled faintly, "Kasey your power is growing... you are connecting yourself to the room, to the memories and travesties that have happened here."

"I need to go home. I can't handle any more of this kind of stuff. Is there anything I can take that will just keep anything like this from happening for the rest of the night?" I asked him as I made my way to the exit. It was creeping me out that I was hearing memories from this room. I just want to go home and sleep for a very long time.

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