Chapter 39. Echo House

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Stiles had been poisoned, well— the Nogitsune had been poisoned anyway. Which mean that it had been expelled from Stiles’ body for the time being, which meant mine was ripe or the picking— as soon as I let it in. Which Deaton had advised me not to do.

To ensure that I wouldn’t let the Nogitsune in, Deaton had caught my mom up on everything that has happened these past few days between the Nogitsune, Stiles, and myself. We were all sitting at the table in my kitchen when he decided to do it, because he had a plan— a plan that he devised after he received my text message earlier that day.

“Kasey is the most vulnerable now, especially since the Nogitusne is no longer residing in Stiles. I have a way to possibly ensure her safety, but it’s a bit drastic.” he had said. My mom had her face buried in her hands, shielding her eyes. 

She let out a heavy sigh, “What does that mean… drastic? Is she going to be put at risk or something?”

“Quite the opposite,” he declared, “my sister, who knows just as much about this as I do, is working at Eichan House right now… and I believe that it would be in everyone’s best interest if Kasey were to stay at Eichan House, that way she is being watched at all times and has someone with my sister’s expertise at a moments notice.”

I had thought that Eichan House was a hospital. A small hospital that was possibly a few hours away from my house. I didn’t think that it was a mental institution. My mom knew it was though, and she her reaction to Deaton’s suggestion was justified.

“You want to put her in a mental institution? The same one that Barrow came from, no less? I don’t think that’s a good idea—“

“Mellisa, if I may,” Deaton cut her off with a soft smile, “I have grown extremely fond of Kasey and Scott. I look out for them as if they were my own, I would never put her in a hostile situation. Especially when an evil spirit is trying to possess her.” 

And that’s all the convincing my mom needed before she decided that maybe Deaton’s suggestion was the best idea at the moment. The Nogitsune can’t get inside of Stiles’ because his body is out of commission, and now that the Oni is out of me… there isn’t anything stopping him from pursuing me. 

Which leads us to now, sitting in the office of registration of Eichan House. My mom and Scott were both here, but Scott remained outside— afraid to come in. I don’t blame him. I was afraid to step inside myself. 

“It’s only for 72 hours… just enough time for Deaton to figure out how to stop it.” I said to my mother as she scribbled her signature on the paper. The receptionist had left the room to grab a pair of shoes for me. 

She sighed, “I know… I just can’t but feel like I’m pushing you away.” 

“You’re not,” I assured her, “mom trust me. It’s better that I’m in here. I can’t hurt anyone in here.” 

Her eyes widened, “You didn’t hurt anyone.”

“Yet.” I mumbled.

The nurse came back into the room with a pair of slippers and my change of clothes. They were extremely plain and simple. It made my stomach hurt. I can do this. It’s only three days. I have to do this to make sure that Stiles and Scott will be okay. 

“First 72 hours there’s no phone calls, no e-mails, no visitors. We will be taking you from here to a brief physical. In the morning you’ll be assessed by a staff psychologist, speak to a social worker, and attend group therapy.” she explained as my mom dropped the pen onto the table. 

She was starting to panic. I can’t blame her, the thought of sending your child to a mental institution from three days to help ensure that she won’t be possessed by an evil Japanese spirit, it a lot to take in. Especially over night.

In This Together ▷ StilinskiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora