Chapter 40. Trepanation

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“You did what?!” I hissed to my boyfriend. He had pulled me to the side in the common area, telling me that after he left Morrell’s office he went to the basement— because apparently he had been there in his dream that night he went missing. Apparently the only person that has keys to the basement, is Brunski, yes the Orderly that hates us. Oliver informed him about that little issue. So, Stiles then went to the boys room to take one of those pills and guess who was taking a shower?


In the boys room. 

He saw her naked, well according to him he didn’t see anything because of the steam, but whatever— I don’t have time to be jealous. Last time I let jealousy take over I almost punched his childhood friend in the mouth at her birthday party. 

Anyway, Stiles enlisted Malia’s help. She wanted to be able to turn back into a werecoyote for some reason, and he assumed that Scott would be able to help her do just that. So in exchange for her help to get the keys from Brunski, he offered up Scott’s teaching. 

It didn’t sound like a good idea, but Stiles thinks there are answers in that basement. And he wasn't going to give up until he got down there.

Stiles glanced over his shoulder as Malia made her way towards Oliver. I have no idea what the plan they put into action was, but it was making me nervous. “She’s going to help us, Kasey, trust me okay? I need to get down there.” 

“I do trust you,” I mumbled, my eyes narrowing on Malia, “it’s her that I don’t trust.”

Before Stiles could respond, Oliver shoved Malia to the ground. He was calling her a liar as he grabbed her wrist and pinned them to the floor. She was brave, I’ll give her that much.

“What the hell’s going on?!” Brunski shouted as he ran over to the fight. Two other orderly's snatched up Oliver and hoisted him off of Malia. 

“Get this nut job off of me!” she shrieked. 

Oliver was shaking like a crazy person, a literal crazy person, “No! She said that they drill holes in your head. She said they’re gonna put a hole in my head! Please, come on! Please don’t drill a hole in my head.” 

“Is he in on this?” I asked quickly. 

Stiles nodded and made his way to Malia, I saw her slip a set of keys into his hands. Wow, that actually worked exceptionally well. How did she manage to swipe those from him? 

“You okay?” he asked her as his eyes followed after Brunski.

She sighed, “Yeah.” 

I gritted my teeth as she held onto his arm. I was so not a fan of Malia, and I planned on letting Stiles’ know that we can’t trust her. 

☾  ☾   ☽  ☽

“This is a bad idea… shouldn’t we do this when there are less staff here?” I whispered. Stiles was standing by the door to the basement, the hallway empty behind us. He was fumbling with the keys trying to find the correct one to use. 

He let out a groan, “It’s fine. Where the hell is this damn key?” 

“Stiles, maybe we should come back. I have a really bad—“ I didn’t get to finish my sentence because a set of hands grabbed me by the back of my neck and shoulder. 

Another orderely grabbed a hold of Stiles and snatched the keys out of his hands, “I told you two that this wasn’t over.” 

Brunski. Well shit. He slid the keys into his pocket as he led Stiles and I down the hall. The orderly that had me was being extremely rough, and I could feel my skin starting to bruise already. 

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